CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Chemistry: Bohr's Atomic Model
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Explains the basic principles of the Bohr hydrogen atom.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mri
In MRI, magnetic fields and radio wave pulses combine to get a unique, and medically beneficial, response from your body's hydrogen atoms. Take a peek in this tutorial.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Plix: Carbohydrates: A Glucose Molecule
[Free Registration/Login Required] Drag the groups of hydroxy and hydrogen atoms to their proper locations to make a complete glucose molecule.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Nonbonding
Bring two molecules together and observe potential energy changes.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Isotopes
Study the science of isotopes in chemistry including naming isotopes, hydrogen, examples, fun facts, unstable, and stable on this site.
Curated OER
Simon Fraser University: Molecules and the Properties of Bonded Atoms
Drawing of a caffeine molecule. Hydrogen = white; Carbon = blue; Oxygen = red
Fact Balmer Series offers a brief dictionary definition of the Balmer series, including hyperlinked terms.
Fact Paschen Series offers a dictionary definition of the Paschen series, including hyperlinked terms.
Pbs: Nova: Illuminating Photosynthesis
To understand the process of photosynthesis, follow the hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms as they travel between the air, the plant, and the soil.
Open Stax: Organic Compounds Essential to Human Functioning
Learn here about organic compounds, groups of carbon atoms covalently bonded to hydrogen, usually oxygen, and often other elements as well, and how they are essential to human functioning.
Curated OER
Science Kids: Science Images: Chemical Structure of Methane
This diagram shows the chemical structure of methane. A methane molecule contains one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Biochemistry
Problem sets, tutorials, and activities related to biochemistry.
Iter: What Is Fusion?
Fusion is the process at the core of our Sun. What we see as light and feel as warmth is the result of a fusion reaction: hydrogen nuclei collide, fuse into heavier helium atoms and release tremendous amounts of energy in the process.
Libre Text
Libre Texts: Chemistry: Structure of Organic Molecules
Here you will learn how to understand, write, draw, and talk-the-talk of organic molecules. Why were different drawing techniques developed? Organic molecules can get complicated and large. It is a tedious to have to constantly draw out...
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Otto Stern Biographical
This is a brief biography on the life and scientific work of Otto Stern, a physicist honored with the Nobel Prize in physics for his "development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton."
Wikipedia: J. Robert Oppenheimer
This biography from the encyclopedia Wikipedia of physicist Robert Oppenheimer discusses his education, his creation of the atomic bomb, and later, his opposition to the use of the bomb.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electromagnetic Waves: The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Photons
An article that discusses the coupling of an electric field with a magnetic field to create electromagnetic waves. Article also discusses how different types of electromagnetic waves have different wavelengths which forms the...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Spectroscopy: Interaction of Light and Matter
Tutorial provides a discussion of UV-Vis spectroscopy, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and the Beer-Lambert law.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Photoelectric Effect
Article explains the experiments on the photoelectric effect and how these experiments led to the idea of light behaving as a particle of energy called a photon.