Curated OER
My 2011 Resolution: Investigate Mathematics of Calendars and Fitness
Ring in the new year with interdisciplinary units related to the development of calendars and getting fit.
Curated OER
Top Ten Summer Lesson Plans: Make the Kick Off to Summer Fun!
The right summer lesson plans can help both teachers and students spend the final days of school in a fun and productive way.
Curated OER
Are You a Good Sumerian?
Studetns, after studying life in Mesopotamia, create a Sumerian brick.
Curated OER
Cougar or Human: Which Needs Protection?
Students research the biology and natural history of the cougar. Students conduct Internet research to determine how cougars have been protected by humans and how it is affected by human decisions. Students write about reconciling...
Curated OER
Greek Vase Painting Project
Students create authentic Greek paintings on clay tiles using knowledge learned about Greek art and painting techniques. This lesson is highly adaptable and can be accomplished in less than a week if focus is altered and less time is...
Curated OER
Native Knowledge
Students investigate what type of climate and physical features certain Indigenous groups live in using an atlas and a provided worksheet. They then match the tribe and its location to the sustainable stategy employed in agricultural...
Curated OER
A Statistical Look at Jewish History
Students complete their examination over the Jewish Diaspora. Using population figures, they discover the importance of percentages in exploring trends. They use their own ethnic group and determine how it is represented in the United...
Curated OER
Seventh graders study communism. In this world history lesson, 7th graders discuss the similarities and differences between communism and democracies by writing Venn Diagrams.
Curated OER
Extraterrestrial Communication: Can We Talk to Anybody Out There?
Students examine the possibilities of communication with other living organisms within our solar system through research and hands on activities, as well as observing and analyzing teacher demonstrations.
Curated OER
Letters to the Man in the Moon
Students write and communicate mathematically with their classmates. They discuss the mathematics that it took to allow us to conquer space and land on the moon. They sketch a plaque they would leave on the moon.
Curated OER
Vocabulary of Ancient Rome Grades 9-12)
Students define ancient Roman vocabulary using the dictionary writing sentences.
Curated OER
Joan of Arc: Virgin Warrior
Students view a documentary on Joan of Arc. She is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic religion, yet she was burned at the stake as a heretic. After viewing, students discuss what they saw and write a newspaper column...
Curated OER
Unit on Religion and Globalization
In this religion lesson, students examine the role of religion and globalization. They discover the differences in attitudes toward globalization in different religions. They also examine how globalization has helped to spread religion.
Curated OER
Using West African Gold Weights and African Masks as a Way of Communication
Eighth graders discuss how communication, or lack thereof, can have either a favorable or detrimental effect on a community. They study and interpret proverbs as a means of teaching a lesson. Finally they discuss symbolism and design a...
Curated OER
Jade: Scientific Inquiry Through Chinese Art
Students discover the uses of Jade in Chinese art and society through in-class discussions, group projects, and internet research. Additional enrichment activities are included.
Curated OER
Silk: Scientific Inquiry Through Chinese Art
Students investigate the many uses of silk in Chinese society through in-class experiments, group projects, and hands-on learning in this cross-curricular lesson plan. There are four main activities included in this lesson plan.
Curated OER
Making Akan Gold Weights and Understanding their Proverbial Meanings
Students examine a variety of gold weights used by the Asante in West Africa. In groups, they discuss the purpose of the gold weights and practice saying proverbs associated with different pieces of art. To end the lesson, they...
Curated OER
Egyptian Museum
Students explore ancient Egypt. Using a specified Internet site, students locate and describe the physical setting that supported early civilizations in Egypt. They explain the relationship between polytheism and the social and...
Curated OER
Bronze Bells
Students explore an amazing technological advancement in ancient China, zhong
bells, as an example of the use of natural resources and human ingenuity to meet a need and to add value to the quality of life in an ancient time.
Curated OER
Performance Standards/Competencies
Middle schoolers research how children dressed during Colonial times. Students design and create life-sized likenesses of themselves, dressing the paper dolls in colonial dress.
Curated OER
Mathematical Contributions By Women
Third graders explore the contributions of women to mathematics by writing a research paper, presenting a summary to their peers, and sharing an activity with their peers. They use a variety of reference materials to gather information...
Curated OER
Friends, Romans, Countrymen...
Students research various facets of the Ancient Roman Empire including art and history. They write a research driven paper documenting the facet of the Roman Empire they have chosen.
Curated OER
Egyptian Profile Portraits
Second graders design Egyptian style portraits. They use the correct proportions while drawing and painting the facial features.
Curated OER
Bas Relief Paintings
Budding artists are introduced to a new medium for Bas Relief sculpture: block printing linoleum. They design and sculpt a dimensional piece of artwork, creating a variety of textures, lines and depths. This engaging lesson should excite...