Prehistoric Planet: Interview With Dinosaur Hunter Dr. Steve Nicklas
Dinosaur paleontologist Dr. Steven Nicklas is interviewed about his career. He currently runs a business called Paleo Prospectors, taking groups on guided fossil hunting trips.
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences: Willo: The Dinosaur With a Heart
Willo is a Thescelosaurus that lived 66 million years ago. Scientists discovered his fossilized heart inside his skeleton and were able to apply medical technology to analyze it. A description of the project and its findings is given...
Museums Victoria
Melbourne Museum: Meet the Skeletons: Tsintaosaurus Spinorhinus
Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, a type of hadrosaur, was a herbivorous dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period. Its fossilized remains have been found in China. Some information and pictures can be found here.
Museums Victoria
Melbourne Museum: Meet the Skeletons: Hypsilophodon Foxii
Hypsilophodon foxii was an herbivorous Ornithopod from the Early Cretaceous Period. Its fossilized remains have been found in England. Some information and pictures can be found here.
Museums Victoria
Melbourne Museum: Meet the Skeletons: Hadrosaur
The Hadrosaur was a herbivorous Ornithopod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period. Its fossilized remains have been found in Canada and elsewhere. Some information and pictures can be found here.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Human Impact
In this comprehensive interactive tutorial you will learn how we can reduce our carbon footprint by using alternate energy sources.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Fun Facts About Wooly Mammoths
This site will explain how the Woolly Mammoth evolved, where it migrated and what is now being done to try and clone it.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Education: Decoding the Past
The Smithsonian offers students a background on what archaeology is and what an archaeologist does. Several lesson plans are also provided.
Natural History Museum
Nhm: From Bodies to Bones and Back Again
Can dinosaurs be recreated like in the movie Jurassic Park? This resource describes the reality of re-creating a genetic blueprint of dinosaurs.
University of Oxford (UK)
Oxford Museum of Modern History: Rocks
The study of rocks is called petrology. Rocks may have fossils in them, and they are made up of minerals, but petrologists like looking at the rocks themselves. Just click on one of the link to find out more about rocks and the rock cycle.
Pbs: Where to Dig
Dinosaurs have intrigued us for many years. As we explore to learn more we need to know where to look. In which type of rock would you find dinosaur fossils? This brief interactive provides real world application for rock characterization.
Energy Resources
Finding alternative energy sources is a challenge facing the leaders of today and tomorrow. Andy Darvill has created an impressive resource, summarizing various renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Geologic Time and Correlation
In this amazing interactive tutorial you will learn about what methods are used by geologists to learn about the history of the Earth. Investigate a geologic time scale and learn about how scientists have developed and organized a record...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: Animals Past and Present
In English and Spanish this site deals with animal life in Illinois past and present. With sections on dinosaurs, animals in Illinois 65 million years ago, animals in Illinois 10 million years ago, and animals in Illinois today, this is...
US Energy Information Administration
U.s. Eia Energy Kids
This extensive resource provides information on renewable energy, nonrenewable energy and energy conservation.
Kentucky State Symbols
Discover all of the Kentucky state symbols here, including a picture and the year of adoption.
Upper Canada District School Board
Tom Stretton's Chemistry Pages: The Chemistry of Natural Gas
Through an online slide-show format, learn about the history and chemistry behind the resource, natural gas.