University of Tampere: General Notes on Speech Preparation
A general, but very informative website on all types of speeches. It runs the reader through the process of finding and choosing a topic to the delivery of the speech.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Expository Speeches
This lesson is a fun way to practice the elaboration tools needed to back up answers. Students will need to speak about a random topic for one minute without time to prepare. This lesson helps students practice their speaking skills,...
NC State University
North Carolina State University: Ethics in Computing: Speech Issues
Curated collection of links to articles, essays, and related topics on responsible use of the Internet and information technologies with respect to speech and online hate compiled and maintained by a university instructor.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Constitution: First Amendment Protections
This resource contains an annotated look at the different topics covered within the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Click on any subtopic link for in-depth information about that part of the First Amendment.
Leaf Group
E How: So You Wanna Deliver an Effective Speech?
An article which presents instruction and advice for every step of the speech writing process. Topic areas covered include: knowing your audience, organizing your speech, writing your speech, how to practice correctly, and handling...
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Vocabulary: Topic Vocabulary Reference
Links to information and lists of English words and phrases by category. Includes information on the difference between a dictionary and thesaurus, synonyms and antonyms, confusing words, figures of speech, eponyms, euphemisms, sayings,...
American Legion Oratorical Contest: History and Topics
Information related to history of American Legion, purpose, prepared oration and assigned topics.
Ljl Seminars: Public Speaking Tips
This site provides numerous links to everything you need to know about public speaking. Some topics include Overcoming Speaking Anxiety, Hostile Audiences, Speech Preparation, Gathering Information, Elements of an Effective Speech, and...
Cpalms: Calling All Kid Presidents
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, learners will watch a video of Kid President giving a speech and another of a student's winning speech to be vice-president of the student council. They will also read an excerpt from...
Liberty is an organisation that was formed seventy-five years ago to champion liberty in all sorts of social contexts. The site has information about many of the current issues - ASBOs, asylum, street cameras and so on - with media links...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Introduction
In this section of a textbook, students learn different techniques for writing an introduction. It provides links to information on the following topics: the role of an introduction, getting attention and interest, establishing...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Establishing a Purpose and a Thesis
This lesson focuses on establishing the purpose and thesis of your speech. It includes information about both a general and specific purpose of the speech and developing a thesis statement that clearly articulates the purpose and main...
Bartleby.com: Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Later National Literature: P3
This encyclopedia, "The History of English and American Literature" provided by Bartleby.com, includes some information about regional dialects during the 19th and 20th centuries. Check out section XXX 'The English Language in America'....
Incredible Art Department
The Incredible Art Department: School Law for the Educator
A collection of information and links on legal issues related to education. Topics include search and seizure at school, free speech, student discipline and due process, student safety, zero tolerance policies, and harassment.
Cpsr: Cyber Rights
CPSR offers an informative discussion of current legal and policy topics hosted by group working for rights of assembly and speech for online communities.
Common Lit: Text Sets
This is a collection of 35 Grade-Leveled text sets (4-11). They are great for social studies teachers or for building background knowledge in reading class, CommonLit's text sets cover a range of historical, cultural, and political...
First Amendment Center
This First Amendment site, partly news and partly background, contains information related to all the aspects of the freedoms outlined in the First Amendment.
Common Lit: Text Sets: Political Theory
As governments form and change over time, they look to political philosophers to answer important questions about governance. This text set covers some of the world's most influential political thinkers. This collection includes 10...
Common Lit: Text Sets: Slavery in America
People enslaved Africans for their enforced labor from before America's founding until the end of the Civil War. Learn about the history of slavery, its effects on a budding nation, and the fight to abolish it. This collection includes...
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Grammar Quizzes
365 interactive quizzes on various grammar and writing skills. While answering questions on each topic, students are provided with notes about the topic and information needed in order to reach the correct answer.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Making Class Presentations [Pdf]
Comprehensive guide with 17 areas of suggestions and tips for delivering a successful class presentation. Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF] CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4, SL.11-12.4 Presentation
How to Study: Making an Oral Presentation
Ten useful ideas for making oral presentations more effective and interesting. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4
Curated OER
Fidel Castro Speaks Shortly After Taking Power in 1959.
This site built around a timeline, provides a wealth of information on the life of Fidel Castro covering the years 1925 - 2006. Also provides audio links to Castro speeches and related topics.
Curated OER
Fidel Castro and Ed Sullivan
This site built around a timeline, provides a wealth of information on the life of Fidel Castro covering the years 1925 - 2006. Also provides audio links to Castro speeches and related topics.