Bbc: Bill Clinton's Economic Legacy
This vast BBC article covers almost everything about Clinton's economic legacy including the economic boom, budget surplus, and international trade deals.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: International Business Cultures and Marketing Strategy
This lesson has students research business practices in different countries and create a PowerPoint Presentation that they will share with the class. Students will prepare support materials to accompany their presentations. This is a...
China Radio International
Read program transcripts, view illustrations, and listen to CRI programs in English or Chinese. Station focuses mainly on news but also includes music and special areas for learning Chinese and/or English. Great site for its promotion of...
Ifad: Enabling Poor Rural People to Overcome Poverty
IFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mission is to alleviate poverty in the world's rural areas by helping them gain access to financial services, markets, technology, and resources.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Economics U$a: 21st Century Edition
A micro and macroeconomics course for 21st century learners. 28 half-hour videos sessions with text and guides regarding markets, firms, supply and demand, perfect competition and inelastic demand, economic efficiency, monopolies,...
Linguarama International: Marcus Evans: The Language of Advertising
Informtion on word choice and language in advertising, includes word lists and questions.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Us and Eu Go Bananas Over Trade
Economists generally agree that free trade helps to improve the overall quality of life in countries that participate. However, disagreements do arise concerning trade agreements. This activity looks at a disagreement between the US and...
Groups Urge Bush to Keep Steel Tariffs
This is an article by the Pittsburgh Times about groups that are trying to persuade the Bush Administration from revoking the controversial steel tariffs. A great article that describes how the tariffs are a way to help the ailing...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Where Did You Come From?
This site is an excellent lesson plan in which students explore the economic interdependence shared between the United States and Chile. Students will learn about the products imported from Chile and determine the reasons for trade...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 18: Balance of Trade Concerns
By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following: Explain the meaning of trade balance and its implications for the foreign exchange market, Analyze concerns over international trade in goods and services and...
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal is an internationally recognized daily business newspaper published in New York City. Content includes headline news about investments, marketing, management, and finance for business professionals. Unfortunately...
Ad Cracker
In this website students can learn to create an international advertising agency. They will learn to write a brief, create a brand and position the product. They will also be introduced to the fundamentals of creative writing as well as...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 15: Exchange Rates and Intl Capital Flows: Key Concepts
This section provides summaries for each of the key concepts covered in Chapter 15: Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows from the Texas Gateway AP Macroeconomics online textbook.
University of Groningen
American History: Outlines: Presidency of Ronald Reagan
This site provides an extensive history of Reagan's administration including information on his presidential campaign, domestic policies, foreign policies, and domestic and international events of his presidency.
Employment Spot
Employment Spot: Salary Negotiation
Explore Salary Negotiation information to determine what you are worth in the job market. Use the Employment Spot resources to calculate your potential salary.
Nikkei Net (In Japanese)
Nikkei Net is a daily business newspaper published in Tokyo, Japan. Content includes the top national and international news stories of the day, as well as extensive business, economic, and political coverage. (Select "ENGLISH" from the...
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Togo: Economy
Togo's economy is based primarily on agriculture, but as you read this article, you will find that it is attempting to diversify in order to participate in the world market. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Nikkei Net (In English)
Nikkei Net is a daily business newspaper published in Tokyo, Japan. Content includes the top national and international news stories of the day, as well as extensive business, economic, and political coverage.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: How Labor Got Its Day
If you asked students what comes to mind first when they think of Labor Day, what do you think they would say? The last days of summer? A family picnic? Shopping the Labor Day sales? The purpose of this lesson is to broaden and deepen...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 18: Improving Countries' Standards of Living
By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following: Analyze the growth policies of low-income countries seeking to improve standards of living; Analyze the growth policies of middle-income countries, particularly the East...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: China Where Will They Fit in the World Economy?
With its emerging middle class, its new markets, and a new emphasis on increasing its technology base, where is China going to fit in the world economy?
Council for Economic Education
Econedlink: Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
This video teaches the concepts of Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments. The balance of trade is calculated by subtracting imports from exports. The balance of payments includes payments related to exports and imports of goods;...
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Global Edge: Home Page
Maintained by Michigan State University, this comprehensive directory has a "strong emphasis on regional trade and statistics resources." A great source for news on world-wide business.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Transportation: They Say We Had a Revolution (Part 1)
Advancements in transportation have played a key role in the growth of our nation. U.S.government policies have also had a considerable impact on the development of transport as we know it today. In this series of three lessons, the...