International Monetary Fund: Exchange Rate Regimes
This page provides access to the book "Exchange Rate Regimes in an Increasingly Integrated World Economy" by Michael Mussa, Paul Masson, Alexander Swoboda Esteban Jadresic, Paolo Mauro, and Andy Berg. Individual chapters can be downloaded.
Global Exchange: World Bank/imf Fact Sheet
This Global Exchange site explains what the World Bank and the IMF do and their history. A chart provides information showing the impact the IMF has on different classes of people.
Teaching American History
Teaching American History: United Nations Conference at Bretton Woods
A summary of the agreements created by the United Nations in the summer of 1944 concerning foreign trade and banking.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Ghana: Economy
You can read about Ghana's struggles with its economy over the past 40 years, and how it is working to strengthen the economy currently to improve the lives for its citizens. Information from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Liberia: Economy
The economy of Liberia was shattered because of its civil war. Read about the current steps that are being taken to rebuild the country and its economy. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Council of Foreign Relations
Terrorism Questions and Answers: Economics
Part of an extensive website from the Council on Foreign Relations devoted to understanding all aspects of terrorism and its implications for the United States, this section focuses on the economic impact of the September 11, 2001...
Global Exchange: World Bank/imf Fact Sheet
This Global Exchange site explains exactly what World Bank/IMF is, how it affects different economies, and its drawbacks. Contains chart on what impacts certain World Bank/IMF programs have on the rich and poor.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Mozambique: Economy
A look at how Mozambique is reviving and expanding its economy, which has great potential especially in the agricultural sector. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Commending Heights
These interviews with individuals central to the development of ISI (import substitution industrialization) in Latin American economies features discussions of the controversial practice of ISI and its subsequent failure to jump start...
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Cameroon: Economy
The economy of Cameroon has encountered many bumps along the road, but you can read about the government's attempt to get it back on track by meeting its financial obligations. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Eritrea: Economy
A look at the economy of Eritrea which is affected by border wars and drought. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Moldova: Economy
A current look at the economy of Moldova and the problems it has had with its energy dependency. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Tanzania: Economy
Tanzania is making attempts to improve its economy to help its citizens. Find out the major sources of income, the exports, and major trading partners. Information is from the U. S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Togo: Economy
Togo's economy is based primarily on agriculture, but as you read this article, you will find that it is attempting to diversify in order to participate in the world market. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Uganda: Economy
Read about Uganda's economy and the government's current attempts to put the country on a solid footing. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Burundi: Economy
Although civil war has threatened Burundi's economy in the past, see how the country is overcoming those problems and is on its way to developing a stronger economy. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Malawi: Economy
Read how Malawi is attempting to strengthen its economy and reduce corruption as a way to increase foreign investment. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Burkina Faso: Economy
A discussion of the economy of Burkina Faso, one of the world's poorest countries. Read how Burkina Faso is attempting to improve the lives of its citizens. Information is from the U.S. Dept. Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Gabon: Economy
The economy of Gabon is based on its oil reserves, but this article explains why that has not made the people wealthy. Information is from the U.S. State Background Notes.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Seychelles: Economy
The economy of Seychelles is robust. Find out what the basis of the economy is and how the government is trying to improve it. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.