English Zone
English zone.com: Confusing Verbs Lay / Lie 1
Ten practice sentences that ask students to fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb "lay" and "lie."
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Past Subjunctive Si Clauses
This Spanish grammar exercise provides adequate practice conjugating verbs in the conditional tense and in the past subjunctive in sentences that contain "if" clauses. Answers may be checked and corrected.
Class Flow: Verbs
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will define the terms verb, linking verb, action verb, helping verb, being verb, irregular verb, and verb tense and provide examples of each type of verb. They also will identify and classify...
Grammarly Blog: Blog: Adverbs: What Do Adverbs Modify?
This blog focuses on adverbs, including what they modify, how to find them in sentences, degrees of adverbs, and examples of each.
Santa Monica College: J. Cheney: Lay or Lie?
Definitions and conjugations of the verbs "lay" and "lie" followed by six practice sentences in which students are asked to complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb. Students can submit answers to see how many are correct and...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Comparaciones Regulares E Irregulares
This site is provided for by the Colby College. Practice with several different examples of regular and irregular comparisons of adverbs, verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Read the sentences and select the correct comparative. Help is given...
Curated OER
Colby College: Spanish Language & Culture: The Future Tense
Colby College provides a great explanation of how to conjugate verbs in the future tense, with English translations of the examples. Twenty sentences provide fantastic practice in changing verbs from preterite tense to future tense...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: To Lie / to Lay and to Sit / to Set
Twelve sentences with blanks where the verbs should be. Students choose the correct verb form of lie, lay, sit, or set to fill in the blank and complete the sentence. When all sentences have been completed, students can submit their...
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Interactive Grammar Exercises
Fun grammar exercises with amusing art and sound clips attached to answers. Answers explained clearly and in an amusing manner.