Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: English Renaissance: Background
This lesson provides background for an English Renaissance unit; it compares the English Renaissance with the Italian Renaissance. It features Queen Elizabeth I's influence and provides a poem written by the queen, "When I Was Fair and...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: English Renaissance: Sonnets
This lesson focuses on the sonnet including the definition, the history, the types of, and meters. It features the three types of sonnets: Italian/Petrarchan Sonnet, English/Shakespearean Sonnet, and Spenserian Sonnet. It describes the...
Quia: Art History Lesson 80
Use any of the three activities--matching, flash cards, or concentration--to learn about select artists and terms associated with Renaissance art or to check your understanding of them. (Most terms are associated with the Renaissance; a...
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Leonardo Da Vinci: Creative Genius
For this lesson plan, students will consider "Leonardo da Vinci: Creative Genius." The plan includes worksheets and other student materials that can be found under the resource tab.
Arts Now Learning: Perspective Drawing Inspired by n.c. Wyeth [Pdf]
In this lesson, students will generate unique fantasy drawings that utilize perspective and create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. Deriving inspiration from the American painter and illustrator N.C. Wyeth's The Giant,...