Ntt East: Super Media Kids
Japanese content! Educates students about telephone and Internet media. It includes information about networks, ecology, connecting classrooms to the Internet, using the internet, and an interactive quiz. It also has worksheets for...
Pantheon: The Family Tree of Gods
Interactive family tree of ancient Japanese gods and goddesses with descriptions and images.
Mandala: The Symphony of Friendship
This site illustrates the history behind the tradition of playing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony at Christmastime in Japan. This story is written and illustrated for children. Includes a sound file of a portion of the ninth symphony.
Artelino: Sumo Wrestling
This site contains a history of sumo wrestling, rules of sumo and a glossary of terms.
Immigration and Ethnic History Society
Iehs: Carl Lindskoog, "Immigration Detention: A Selective Bibliography"
This bibliography supplements an essay in the Summer 2019 issue of the Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter. This list shows, scholars in an array of disciplines have shaped the historiography of immigration detention. It includes...
White Pine Pictures
White Pine Pictures: Watari Dori: A Bird of Passage
This is a good way to educate students about Japanese internment camps. This follows the story of one woman and her triumphant return to Canada. Includes a quiz and lesson plans.
Virtual Museum of Canada
Virtual Museum of Canada: Community Stories: Point Atkinson Lighthouse: Maintaining the Light
The Point Atkinson Lighthouse,built to protect the shipping trade of a growing Vancouver, is profiled. This is the history of the lighthouse ..from early, isolated days to the lives of the keepers of the lighthouse and their families to...
Yellow Journalism and James Creelman
Frederick A. Moritz tells the biography of a yellow journalist, James Creelman. Learn more about yellow journalism during the Spanish-American War and the Sino-Japanese Wars and the impact yellow journalism played in world affairs.
Pbs Teachers: Sumo East and West: Sumo Style
Explore the ancient Japanese sport of sumo with this interactive guide to the sumo wrestler. Discover the historical origins of the sport, and consider the significance of the wrestling ring as well as wrestlers' hairstyles, clothing and...
Scholastic: Asian Pacific American Heritage
Nice Scholastic site that looks at what it means to be an Asian Pacific American. Includes stories from Angel Island, Japanese Americans during WWII, and background on and interviews with notable Asian Americans.
Life of Aung San
A timeline history of the life of Aung San (1915-1947), the Burmese WW 2-era revolutionary leader, and his resistance movement in Burma against the British and Japanese in Burma (renamed Myanmar).
Goju Ryu Karate Do Kyokai International
The site discusses its organizations history, tells about schools for the Goju-Ryu style and the general history of how karate started in China and Okinawa. It has an extensive history section.
Aung San: Resistance Speech
A copy of a speech given by Aung San(1915-1947), the Burmese WW 2-era revolutionary leader who led a resistance movement against the British and Japanese in Burma (renamed Myanmar).
White Pine Pictures
White Pine Pictures: The Wanderer, the Story of Rev. Sang Chui Lee
Reverend Sang-Chui Lee is a Korean immigrant to Canada who had converted to Christianity in response to the Japanese occupation of Manchuria and Korea. He later became a United Church minister. His three daughters married non-Koreans...
University of California
Hearst Museum of Anthropology: The World in a Frame
View representative works from the early decades of photography, 1865 to 1915, during one of the world's periods of extended travel. Discover how the invention of photography opened eyes to Native American, Japanese, and Middle Eastern...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Classroom: The Pursuit of Justice
This book analyzes 30 Supreme Court cases chosen by a group of Supreme Court justices and leading civics educators as the most important for American citizens to understand. An additional 100 significant cases included in state history...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Classroom: Civil Liberties in Wartime
This website contains an interactive timeline about the history of civil liberties at wartime.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Lunar Exploration Timeline
Available in both HTML and Shockwave formats, this site is a visual timeline of US, Soviet, and Japanese Lunar exploration. Each point of the timeline links to text information about that spacecraft and mission.
Read Works
Read Works: China Under Attack
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read about a personal experience during the Japanese attach on China. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in author's purpose.
United States Isshinryu Association
The organization seeks to teach traditional Isshinryu karate to its students. The site contains the history and mission of the organization.
Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tokyo: The Anime Capital of Japan
A short essay on the history of cartooning and animation in Japan. Discusses the importance of anime (also known as Japanimation) as an industry to Japan and its global reach. Nice samples of anime characters and styles frame the site.
Tokyo Broadcasting System Television: The World Heritage
Japanese content. A companion site for the TV program, Sekaiisan, or The World Heritage. Episodes focus on cultural and "natural" heritage and are similar in feel to a National Geographic special. You can't watch the episode online but...
Common Lit: Text Sets: World War Ii
World War II was the second war to embattle the entire globe, lasting from 1939 to 1945. It not only witnessed the Holocaust and the nuclear bombings of Japan, but became the deadliest conflict in human history. This collection includes...
Heike Monogatari
A summary of The Tale of the Heike and important characters and themes in this epic which related to the miltary culture of the fourth century in Japan.
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