Career Wise Education: Skills
Everyone has skills in which they excel. iSeek highlights skills useful for various types of jobs to aid in finding the right career.
Conference Board of Canada: Employability Skills 2000+
This brochure provides a single-page list of skills and traits that will prepare you for the world of work in the 21st century. The list is divided into three categories: Fundamental Skills, Personal Management Skills, and Teamwork...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Job Search Writing: Job Skills Checklist
A handout listing an inventory of skills that may be included in a resume or cover letter.
Job Bank Usa: Written Communication Skills Interview Questions
Learn the kinds of written communication issues that concern prospective employers. As you read these potential interview questions, you have the opportunity to examine your own writing skills and decide how you can best address areas...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Job Search Writing: Action Verbs to Describe Job Skills
Details about action verbs and why their use in describing skills, experiences, and accomplishments in employment-related documents is particularly effective.
Amby Duncan-Carr
Amby: Skills Identification
Have you wondered what skills you have to help you get a job? Explore the various types of skills that are necessary for job success.
Amby Duncan-Carr
Amby: Goal Setting
Are you in the process setting goals for your future? Explore the Amby goal setting resources to assist in setting goals for finding a job.
Employment Spot
Employment Spot: What Employers Want
When you scan the want ads looking for a new job, you see all sorts of requirements - a bachelor's degree, at least two years experience in the field, proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel. But what about the intangibles? What are...
O*net (Occupational Info Network) Knowledge Site
O*NET, replacement for the US Dictionary of Occupational Titles as well as the Directory of Occupational Titles and the Occupational Job Outlook, provides "Information on skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities, and interests...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe: Interview Tips
Are you getting ready for a job interview? Learn how to interview like a pro using the Career City interview tips.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe: Tips for Writing Resumes
Are you ready to apply for the job of your dreams? Explore tips for creating a great resume to help you get the job.
Ad lit.org: Transitioning Students With Disabilities to Higher Education
How can you help high school students get ready for post-secondary education? Review these recommendations from the Department of Education and find out how to help students understand their disabilities, explain their disabilities to...
The Black Collegian: Career Site for Students of Color
The Black Collegian Online provides cutting-edge information on career resources for Black collegians. Job search strategies, graduate school opportunities, career and industry reports are abundantly explored. This site is the cyberspace...
Careers: Career Resource Center
Career Resource Center contains career resources, newspapers, newsgroups, as well as other Internet career links.