Curated OER
Seventh graders summarize how Earth processes today are similar to
those that occurred in the past. They read excerpts from John Muir's "Yosemite Glaciers" and explain how slow geologic processes have large cumulative effects over long...
Curated OER
A Campfire Conversation
Students examine point of view as it relates to public issues. In this point of view activity, students become familiar with the point of view of John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt about the wilderness. Students debate if the...
Curated OER
Fourth graders explain how in any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
Environmental Case Study: Hetch Hetchy Valley
What is more important: building a new school or preserving a nature reserve? Keeping a natural area clean or providing clean drinking water to a city of millions? Young scholars weigh these questions—almost literally—using an...
Curated OER
Saving the Big Trees
Students use a core map to obtain information about the Big Trees for measuring and graphing. In addition, students judge whether the Big Trees should be preserved or conserved.
Curated OER
Science: Avalanche!
Eighth graders examine avalanches after reading excerpts from John Muir's book, "The Yosemite." In small groups, they conduct experiments with flour, sugar, and potato flakes representing different snow consistencies. Then, 8th graders...
Curated OER
Valuing the World Around You
Learners explore the concept of environmental stewardship. In this character education instructional activity, students examine a quote from John Muir regarding the value of nature.
Curated OER
How Does Preserving Wilderness Enhance Forestry
Students identify events of the environmental movement in the United States. For this environment lesson students study Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir, who had a great impact on the environmental movement.
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Hetch Hetchy: The Story of San Francisco's Water
How did San Francisco supply enough water for its residents over the last two centuries? Learn about droughts and water conservation in California, as well as specific historical events that led to the water system today. Kids read...
Curated OER
The People and Philosophy Behind Our National Parks: A Biographical Curriculum Unit
Students discover the interaction of American Literature, politics and the environmental movement. They explore the changing concept and philosophy of wilderness, and explain the development of The National Park System. They read...
Curated OER
A New Profession Takes Seed
Students analyze a quote written on the board by John Muir. They brainstorm ideas from the quote and discuss the interpretation of the quote and answer questions regarding the Forest Service as a Profession.
Curated OER
TE Activity: Cool Views
Students define preservation and conservation before listening to an article read by the teacher about John Muir and Gifford Pinchot, famous environmentalists. They complete a Venn diagram before deciding which side of this environmental...
Curated OER
Quarter Conservation
Here is another in the interesting series of lessons that use the special State Quarters as a learning tool. This one uses the California State Quarter. During this lesson, pupils learn the many ways they can conserve natural resources...
Curated OER
Rock On!
After five class sessions, young scientists will be able to identify common rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. This plan involves hands-on activities, includes various handouts and worksheets, and requires there to be...
Curated OER
Ecosystems-The Essential Connection
Students develop their abilities to solve problems both in school and in a variety of situations similar to that they have encountered in life. They define the term ecosystem in nature by comparing them to familiar organizational...
Middle Tennessee State University
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? A Comparison in American Culture
As part of their study of the Progressive Era, class groups examine a 20th century version of "The Three Little Pigs" through a New Era lens and identify how ideals such as the value of hard work, creativity, and problem solving,...
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Orbit Simulator
Researchers think they have evidence of a new planet deep in our solar system that is the size of Neptune and orbits the sun far beyond Pluto. The orbit simulator shows the orbits of our well-known planets, as well as Pluto and the comet...
Curated OER
Natural Beauty: Looking Sharp
Students create covers for their "nature journals" using watercolor techniques and the artistic ideas of color, depth, and focal point. This lesson plan can be used in the Science or Art classroom and meets national standards for both.
Smarter Balanced
Environmental Interdependence (Environmental Awareness)
Whether introducing a study of environment awareness or preparing your classes for a performance task related to environmental interdependence, you will find this resource useful. Key terms and concepts are introduced so that all...
Curated OER
Unique Ecosystems
Fourth graders explain how in any particular environment, some kinds of
plants and animals survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all. They research the ecosystem of which each animal or plant is natively a part.
Curated OER
Second graders name the various materials that comprise soil, including weathered rock and other organic matter. They explain that soils differ in their color, texture, capacity to retain water, and ability to support the growth of many...
University of New Mexico
César Chávez: Migrant Farm Workers and Their Leader
During the first week of instruction, middle schoolers research biographies on Cesar Chavez and make a pictorial collage of his life. For the second and third week, they maintain a seven-day diary of a farmworker and write a poem. For...
Curated OER
The First Conservationists
Young scholars read a story. In this Native American lesson, students learn about Native Americans and their responsibility to take care of a place called Turtle Island. Young scholars learn the vocabulary words generation, befall,...
Curated OER
The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter
For this literature worksheet, learners respond to 10 short answer and essay questions about Richter's A Light in the Forest. Students may also link to an online interactive quiz on the novel at the bottom of the page.