George Washington University
National Security Administration: Cuban Missile Crisis
This is from the National Security Administration's Website. It has information on the operations involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Difficult for an Elementary student to understand, but a great resource for Elementary teachers.
Mount Holyoke College
U.s. Dept. Of State: Review of Operation Mongoose
Here are the plans for Operation Mongoose, the goal of which was the overthrow of Fidel Castro and the institution of a government friendly to the United States. A very interesting document outlining how this operation could be carried out.
US National Archives
Our Documents: A National Initiative on American History, Civics, and Service
Our Documents is home to one hundred milestone documents that influenced that course of American history and American democracy. Includes full-page scans of each document, transcriptions, background information on their significance, and...
Library of Congress
Loc: Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis
This brief Library of Congress site has info on the Russian's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Ibiblio: Cuban Missile Crisis provides a brief background of the crisis and links to letters (originals and translations) exchanged between JFK and Khrushchev.