The Field Museum
Field Museum: Exhibits: Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs
Take a tour of the King Tut Exhibition without leaving your classroom. Learn how King Tut lived from before he became a pharaoh up until his death. You can also explore his tomb.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Gilt Fan of King Tutankhamun
This gilt flabellum, or fan, of King Tutankhamun is decorated with scenes of the king hunting ostriches and ducks. It is also ornamented with hieroglyphic texts.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Glove of King Tutankhamun
The glove of King Tutankhamun is the same as a modern glove, in the shape of the hand and have five fingers. Most probably, gloves in ancient Egypt were not used to keep the hands warm, but were worn for horse riding, so were made of...
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Double Vase of King Tutankhamun
This double vase of King Tutankhamun shows the expertise of the ancient Egyptian workers in carving alabaster vessels.
Ducksters: Quiz: The Tomb of Tutankhamun for Kids
History Questions: The Tomb of Tutankhamun Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Tutankhamun's Tomb (Innermost Coffin and Death Mask)
Tutankhamun's nearly intact tomb held a wealth of objects that give us unique insights into this period of ancient Egyptian history. Read about the discovery of his tomb and view pictures of the contents in this article.
Ducksters: Ancient Egyptian Biography for Kids: Tutankhamun
Kids learn about the biography of Tutankhamun of Ancient Egypt. The pharaoh and boy king famous for the treasures of his tomb.
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Tutankhamun
History for Kids presents information about the tomb of King Tut and the story it tells. Includes links to teacher resources with activities, worksheets and quizzes.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Head of King Tutankhamun as Amun
Tutankhamun appears here in the guise of Amun wearing the tall twin plumes. Since Tutankhamun's face shows a gentle childlike quality, we can assume it was carved quite early in his reign.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Headrest of King Tutankhamun
Headrests were used in ancient Egypt to protect the head of the sleeper and ease the circulation of air around the head in the hot summer nights. This headrest of Tutankhamun is similar in shape to a folding stool.
Ducksters: Ancient Egyptian History: Valley of the Kings
Kids learn about Ancient Egyptian Valley of the Kings. The great structures of this world civilization.
Tutankhamun's Death Mask and Coffins
This site is developed by a amateur photographer who's traveled to quite a few exotic destinations. A comprehensive description of King Tut's Sarcophagus as well as some great photographs are offered here.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Sir Dig a Lot: History of King Tut
Sir Dig-a-Lot takes us on a tour of King Tut's tomb and explains some facts about this ancient Egyptian pharaoh.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Pectoral of King Tutankhamun
This pectoral is made of gilded wood and colored glass. The main decorative element is the royal cartouche. A scarab is used as a counterbalance, and hangs on the back of the wearer.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Sunshade of King Tutankhamun
This wooden canopy is a testimony to the ancient Egyptian craftsman's creativity and ingenuity.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Model of a Boat of Tutankhamun
This is one of eighteen model boats that were found in the treasury of the tomb of King Tutankhamun. The fleet was to be used by the king on his journey beyond the grave.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Head of Tutankhamun
An unusual and appealing small head that is a masterpiece; it was found by Howard Carter at the entrance to King Tutankhamun's tomb. The head is that of the boy pharaoh with very beautiful features, modeled in the Amarna style.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Sword of Tutankhamun
The sword of King Tutankhamun is a single piece of bronze divided into three parts. The first part is the hilt, which is black. The second and third parts form the blade. It is considered to be ceremonial in purpose.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Sphinx of Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun is depicted here in the form of a human-headed sphinx wearing the Double Crown.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Life Sized Statue of Tutankhamun
This life-sized statue of King Tutankhamun acted as a guardian for the tomb and as a Ka, or spirit, statue.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Staff With Tutankhamun's Names
This long staff of King Tutankhamun is completely covered with gold. It has glass inlay decorations at the top and beneath the handhold, which is formed like an open lotus flower.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Small Papyrus Box of Tutankhamun
This unique small box is made of papyrus fiber. The scenes on it suggest it might have been made to keep the objects from the ceremony when King Tutankhamun was crowned.
Science Museum, London
Science Museum (London): Tutankhamen: Beneath the Mask
See and experience how modern science has been used to create a three-dimensional portrait of Tutankhamen, based not on Tut's famous golden but on X-rays of his mummy.
Curated OER
Tutankhamun's Death Mask and Coffins
This site is developed by a amateur photographer who's traveled to quite a few exotic destinations. A comprehensive description of King Tut's Sarcophagus as well as some great photographs are offered here.