Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Surface Area Calculator
Online calculator to calculate the surface area of geometric solids including a capsule, cone, frustum, cube, cylinder, hemisphere, pyramid, rectangular prism, sphere, spherical cap, and triangular prism
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Graphing Calculator Practice Problems Areas and Volumes
Practice using your graphing calculator for area and volume problems. If you get stumped or if you would like to check your work, then select the View Solution button, which is located directly under each problem.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Creating Nets for Three Dimensional Figures
Given nets for three-dimensional figures, the student will apply the formulas for the total and lateral surface area of three-dimensional figures to solve problems using appropriate units of measure.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Areas De Cuerpos Geometricos
In Spanish. Interactive resources and activities that could be used in the classroom either as an introduction or review to a unit dealing with the area of three dimensional figures.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: The Cylinder Problem: Middle School Lesson
This lesson offers an interesting, hands-on experience for middle school students studying cylinders. Students will create cylinders, and measure and compare their volumes.
Math Words
Math Words: Right Circular Cylinder
Find a picture of a right circular cylinder here with the formulas for volume, total surface area, and lateral surface area. Site by
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Triangular Prism Calculator
This calculator finds the volume, surface area, and height of a triangular prism. Surface area calculations include top, bottom, lateral sides, and total surface area. Height is calculated from a known volume or lateral surface.
Math Words
Math Words: Frustum of a Cone or Pyramid
This site defines a frustum and has links to related topics. The site offers the formula for the lateral area, volume, and total surface area of frustum of a cone.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math Faq, Prism Formulas
This site defines what a prism is and gives formulas for surface area and volume. Contains related links.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Cutting the Cheese
The students will find the area of each two dimensional figure on a net of a triangular prism. In groups, students will cut out the net and create a triangular prism. Groups will then discuss how to find the lateral area and the total...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Thinking Outside the "Box"
The students will find the area of each two dimensional figure on a net of a rectangular prism. In groups, students will cut out the net and create a rectangular prism. Groups will then discuss how to find the lateral area and the total...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Painting the Pyramids
The young scholars will find the area of each two dimensional figure on a net of a square pyramid. In groups, students will cut out the net and create a square pyramid. Groups will then discuss how to find the lateral area and the total...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: An Investigation Into Geologic Mapping: Quarry Park
In this geology field lab, students will map an area around Quarry 12 and Quarry 13 in Quarry Park. Using a field notebook, students will take field observations to later produce a basic geologic map, topographic map, and a...