Easy Languages
Modern Greeks Try to Read Ancient Greek | Easy Greek 56
Modern Greeks Try to Read Ancient Greek | Easy Greek 56
Easy Greek is a project to help you learn Greek in an authentic and fun way. We interview people in the streets of Athens and other places in Greece. All our videos have subtitles...
Writing the Greek Alphabet (Part 5: Modern Greek)
Learn how to write the Greek alphabet. Part 5 of this series teaches you to write and pronounce all 24 Greek letters, both uppercase and lowercase. Visit my Greek language page for more information:...
Easy Languages
How to Pronounce Well Known Greek Words in Greek | Easy Greek 97
How to Pronounce Well Known Greek Words in Greek | Easy Greek 97
Easy Greek is a project to help you learn Greek in an authentic and fun way. We interview people in the streets of Athens and other places in Greece. All our videos have...
Byzantine Greek minuscule script - basic ligatures
In the old Greek cursive hand of the Middle Ages, letters join to form ligatures. Here are the types of regular ligatures you will find in medieval & early modern manuscripts: - two letters join with a horizontal stroke - two letters...
Bill Carmody
Ethical Visuals
"The use of visual media should neither intentionally distort the integrity of a message nor promote a false impression or interpretation, which, as a whole, impacts to the credibility of the author."
To have an ethical visual, you must...
Bedtime History
Golden Age of Islam & Houses of Wisdom for Kids | Bedtime History
Join us as we explore the Golden Age of Islam, a period of remarkable cultural, scientific, and intellectual achievement from the 8th to the 14th century. During this time, the Islamic world became a hub for knowledge, innovation, and...
Glamorous Trivia: The Endnotes
Some more educational etymologies and information about the trivium and quadrivium. Thank you to all our Patreon supporters! Please check out our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheEndlessKnot Show notes & credits:...
Museum Musings: The Endnotes
A brief history of museums, to go with our video on Music: https://youtu.be/6wjsH1ry8aQ Website: http://www.alliterative.net/ Podcast: http://www.alliterative.net/podcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheEndlessKnot Image credits:...
The School of Life
Philosophy - Plato
Some of the best advice for society, relationships, and personal growth was written nearly 3,000 years ago. High schoolers learn more about Plato's four ideas for reaching eudaimonia, or "fulfillment," in an explanatory video.
The Myth of Sisyphus
Having an eagle eat your liver sounds like a form of cruel and unusual punishment. As explained in an interesting video lesson, it's nothing compared to the punishments doled out in "The Myth of Sisyphus." A summary introduces the...
Crash Course
The Apocalypse: Crash Course World Mythology #23
Beasts, dragons, natural disasters ... modern-day zombie thrillers just don't measure up to ancient apocalypse stories! The 23rd video from the Crash Course World Mythology series is all about the end of days. Scholars learn about...
Crash Course
Freud, Jung, Luke Skywalker, and the Psychology of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #40
How were modern thinkers influenced by ancient mythology? Scholars investigate the topic with the 40th of 41 videos in the Crash Course World Mythology series. Viewers meet two psychologists, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, and learn about...