Curated OER
Mighty Earth Movers
Note that although the publisher lists almost all of the Common Core standards for both math and language arts, you will most likely want to take the general topic and choose which area to focus on. Regarding math, pupils measure worms...
Curated OER
Graphing Population Around the World
Students define specific vocabulary necessary for understanding population data. They collect, analyze, and interpret specific data. They utilize computer programs in order to create graphs of collected data.
Curated OER
What does it mean to be American?
Learners create a mural depicting what it means to be an American. In this being American lesson plan, students pull out magazine ads that depict what it means to be an American, then they make a mural out of it, and finally they present...
Curated OER
Climate Change Challenge: Earth Day
Students explore the concept of philanthropy. For this environmental stewardship lesson, students watch a video about state policies pertaining to greenhouse gas emissions. Students plan and carry out an Earth Day service project...
Curated OER
Create a Timeline
Learners make a timeline from the late 1800's to 2000 to mark significant inventions.
Curated OER
Oral Histories
Students interview local Native Americans to explore their history, culture, and contributions to the region. They contact a local Native American organization, conduct an interview with a volunteer and write thank-you notes.
Curated OER
The View
Students explore the structure and purpose of Op-Ed pieces in the newspaper. They then write Op-Eds from the perspectives of United States presidents on important issues of their day.
Curated OER
Geometry: Classifying Angles
Students measure, construct, and classify angles as acute, right, straight, and obtuse. Once they have completed an angle worksheet, students use a map of South Carolina to locate cities by constructing the aforementioned angles.
Curated OER
The Big Blue
Third graders create paper mache globes with balloons. They label the 4 oceans on their balloons with reference to large wall map, classroom globe, and Encarta Virtual Globe CD-ROM projected on large screen TV with Tvator or other...
Curated OER
"The Nation's Playground": Technology and Tourism
Students examine Maine tourism websites. They identify ways the Internet has changed the tourism industry in Maine.
Curated OER
Medicine Show
Young scholars gather anecdotal evidence about various herbal remedies' abilities to cure ailments, develop hypotheses from these observations, and design scientifically valid experiments that could prove their suppositions.
Curated OER
Banpo Village: Gone, But Not Forgotten
Sixth graders plan a trip to China and prepare yourself for the Banpo excavation site competition by studying prehistoric and ancient Chinese history.
Curated OER
Internet Pen Pals
Students write letters to e-mail pals and respond to letters received. Students describe the geography of their community to their pals.
Curated OER
Air Conditioning
Learners explore the roles that the United States government agencies play in weather forecasting, climate control, and other climate-related environmental issues. They then write letters to President Bush recommending how a new National...
Curated OER
A Little Reminder to Take With You
Students use information already gathered on a specific public health issue to create a public service message in the form of a bookmark. They consult multiple sources to compile sufficient information to create the public service...
Curated OER
The End of an Era
Students explore the American-Mongolian paleontology expedition of Cretaceous fossil beds at Ukhaa Tolgod in the Gobi Desert. They present information about the life forms, tectonics, climate and geology of this time.
Curated OER
The Student Newspaper on World War I
Young scholars explore WW I through the publication of a completely student-compiled newspaper.
Curated OER
California Primary 2000
Students explore the open primary system and the candidates that appeared on the ballot in California's Presidential Primary in 2000. A variety of issues and sites are explored and form the focus of this lesson.
Curated OER
Frankenstein (Teacher Zone)
Students are introduced to the life and art of Mary Shelley and consider the still-relevant themes of the Frankenstein myth. Also, students become acquainted with the nineteenth century fascination with electricity by reviewing...
Curated OER
Electrical motors
Students investigate and experiement with a 9-volt motor. They will use the connecting wire and battery pack to discover fans.
Curated OER
High Rollaway Heroes
Students work collaboratively with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to preserve a local historical and environmentally fragile site. They conduct a survey of the plant and animal life at the site, and create an informational...
Curated OER
Uncovering the Tales of Famous Explorers and Their Historical Expeditions
Students investigate various expeditions throughout history to new and or uncharted territories. They participate in groups in order to develop and produce television news magazine segments about some of these historical expeditions.
Curated OER
The Balance of Good Health and the Food Pyramid
Young scholars explore the importance of good health and the food pyramid. They examine food labels and the importance of healthy food choices. Students investigate food additives.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Lesson Plans Library K 5
This resource presents a lesson plan library which holds hundreds of lesson plans organized by grade level and subject area. Often rooted with an Internet research piece, each lesson plan contains specific objectives, procedures,...