Fredonia State University of New York
Watch Your Step…You May Collide!
Can two lines intersect at more than one point? Using yarn, create two lines on the floor of the classroom to find out. Cooperative groups work through the process of solving systems of equations using task cards and three different...
Barton Math Class
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Worksheet
With the focus being on parallel, perpendicular, or neither type, practice with three different types of problem solving. Learners start with a simple skill of determining the relationship between slopes and then work towards creating...
Curated OER
Final Exam Review: College Algebra
In this final exam review learning exercise,s students solve systems of equations, polynomials and factor quadratic equations. They identify the slope of a line and write linear equations. Students use Cramer's rule,...
Curated OER
Graphing To Solve Systems of Equations
Students explore graping linear equations and their relevance to real life situations. After a teacher led demonstration, students work at their desks and on the board to plot points and determine the slope of a line. Students then...
Illustrative Mathematics
How Many Solutions?
Determining the number of solutions is an important stepping stone to higher math. In this case, the resource asks algebra pupils to find a second linear equation for a certain solution of a system. When one is asked for a linear...
Curated OER
Conic Sections
Students, while using a graphing calculator, graph systems of conic sections as well as identify their solutions. They complete various word problems dealing with conic sections with their calculators. In addition, students sketch graphs...
Curated OER
Academic Algebra II Test Chapter 4, Part 2
In this test of knowledge worksheet, students answer 2 story problems, they solve 6 systems of equations. Students multiply 2 maxrix sets. They determine the inverse of two matrices. Students determine the linear regression line for two...
PBL Pathways
Medical Insurance 2
Make an informed decision when choosing a medical insurance provider. An engaging lesson asks your classes to write piecewise models to represent the cost of different medical plans. The project-based learning activity is a variation of...
Curated OER
Whose Line is it Anyway?
Students solve systems of equations. In this algebra activity, students identify the domain and range of each function. They use the slope and y-intercept to graph each line.
Curated OER
Linear Systems: Using Matrix Operations
In this linear systems worksheet, students use matrix multiplication as an elimination technique to solve linear systems. They compare products and explore trends. This four-page worksheet contains explanations, examples and five...
Curated OER
Linear Systems: Least Squares Approximations
In this least squares approximation worksheet, students use linear algebra to find the least square error and the equation of a line for given points. They find the equation of a parabola through provided points. This four-page...
Curated OER
Analyzing Graphs of Two Equations
Students analyze graphs of two equations. In this algebra lesson, students rewrite word problems as linear equations. They graph their solution and compare and contrast the two items being represented.
Curated OER
Finding our way
Tenth graders investigate the use of a GPS. In this math lesson, the students will use a GPS type system to determine positioning in two dimensions. They will complete questions out of a student workbook.
Curated OER
Math Applications
In this math applications worksheet, students solve one word problem that has two parts to it. First, they determine the expected value of a ticket for a prize. Then, student determine the fair price for the ticket purchased and explain...
Curated OER
Long Distance Phone Plans
For this long distance phone plane worksheet, students compare various phone plans and determine which long distance plan has the greatest savings. Students support their answers visually through the use of tables and graphs. They write...
Curated OER
Linear Systems: Graphical Interpretation of Vectors and Linear Systems
In this interpretation of vectors and linear systems worksheet, students describe the geometric appearance of two vectors. They add the two vectors and sketch the sum as well as the vectors to determine the commutativity of vector...
Curated OER
Equations and Systems of Equations
Students practice using algebra to be applied to real world situational problems. The key concepts of translation of language to algebraic expressions is covered. They also look in depth at relationships between different quantities.
Curated OER
Linear Systems: The Column Space
In this column space worksheet, students find the column spaces of given matrices. This two-page worksheet contains examples of and explanations. One problem is provided for students to complete.
Curated OER
Linear Systems: Applications of Eiginvalues
In this Eigenvalue and Eigenvector learning exercise, students examine the applications of matrix exponentiation. This four-page learning exercise provides explanations and examples, as well as three problems to complete.
Curated OER
Linear Systems: Orthogonal Matrices
In this orthogonal matrices worksheet, students explore characteristics of an orthogonal matrix. They use Gram-Schmidt to convert linearly independent vectors to orthonormal vectors. This three-page worksheet contains approximately six...
Curated OER
Linear Systems: Reduced Row Echelon Matrix
In this echelon matrix worksheet, students find the nullspace of matrices by finding the reduced row echelon. This two-page worksheet contains explanations, examples and six problems to complete.
Lane Community College
Review Sheets: College Algebra
A jam-packed worksheet has all the topics you would teach in an Algebra II class with a variety of question styles. Starting with function notation and ending with geometric sequences, there really is something for everyone. Each...
Curated OER
Poetry Pop-Up
Third graders, after exploring the process of writing poetry through imagery words that go beyond pen and paper, create a Poetry Pop-Up Book. They incorporate the use of the Thesaurus and clip-art/digital photography to assist them in...
Curated OER
How Do They Relate? Linear Relationship
Students collect information and use a line to represent it. In this algebra lesson, students investigate real world data to see if it makes a line. They graph the line comparing the relationship of the x axis with that of the...