Online Course
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mit: Open Course Ware: Electricity and Magnetism

For Students 9th - 10th
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers a free and open educational resource for educators, students and self-learners. The university's physics OpenCourseWare includes a large section on electricity and magnetism. Numerous...
Creative Science Centre

Creative Science Centre: Notes on Coil Magnet Orientation and Rotation

For Students 9th - 10th
An electrical generator is in essence a very simple device - magnets rotating within a coil of wire. To get a generator to work properly, one needs to make sure the coil and magnet orientation and rotation are correctly aligned. These...
Lesson Plan
The Wonder of Science

The Wonder of Science: 3 Ps2 3: Electric and Magnetic Forces

For Students 3rd - 4th
Learn about cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other.
Concord Consortium

Concord Consortium: Stem Resources: Heat and Light From Electricity

For Students 6th - 8th
Understand the energy transformations that happens when you light a bulb with a battery. Activity requires students to build a simple circuit and take temperature and time measurements. Lab includes procedure with questions that can be...

Magnet Lab: Physics Lessons by Science Joy Wagon

For Students 9th - 10th
These physics lessons and tutorials are designed to be a resource for learning introductory level, algebra-based physics. Organization is by topic, but a search option is available for quickly finding specific information. Although most...

Articles About "Electricity": New Explanations, Alternate Mental Toolkit

For Students 9th - 10th
This highly informative site contains many resources and articles on electricity. A wealth of information about electricity can be found. This site also contains many FAQ's.
Unit Plan

Teach Engineering: Mri Safety Grand Challenge

For Teachers 11th - 12th
This module was written for a first year accelerated or AP physics class. It is intended to provide hands on activities to teach end of the year electricity and magnetism topics including the magnetic force, magnetic moments and torque,...
Lesson Plan

Teach Engineering: May the Magnetic Force Be With You

For Teachers 11th - 12th
This lesson begins with a demonstration of the deflection of an electron beam. Learners then review their knowledge of the cross product and the right hand rule with sample problems. After which, students study the magnetic force on a...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Timeline of Electricity and Magnetism: 1700 1749

For Students 9th - 10th
Aided by tools such as static electricity machines and Leyden jars, scientists continue their experiments into the fundamentals of magnetism and electricity.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Timeline of Electricity and Magnetism: 1880 1889

For Students 9th - 10th
Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison duke it out over the best way to transmit electricity and Heinrich Hertz is the first person (unbeknownst to him) to broadcast and receive radio waves.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Hans Christian Orsted

For Students 9th - 10th
A discovery by Hans Christian Orsted forever changed the way scientists think about electricity and magnetism. While preparing to perform an experiment during a lecture at the University of Copenhagen, he found that the magnetized needle...
Unit Plan
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Timeline of Electricity and Magnetism: 600 Bc 1599

For Students 9th - 10th
Find out how humans discovered the magnetic lodestone as well as the attracting properties of amber. Advanced societies, in particular the Chinese and the Europeans, exploited the properties of magnets in compasses, a tool that makes...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Electric Range 1892

For Students 9th - 10th
From the Stone Age to today, the search is constantly underway for better, more efficient ways to cook food. Reflecting many of the advances in science and technology, the electric range has become a popular choice for homes and businesses.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Luigi Galvani

For Students 9th - 10th
Luigi Galvani was a pioneer in the field of electrophysiology, the branch of science concerned with electrical phenomena in the body. His experiments with dissected frogs and electrical charges led him to suggest the existence of a...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Werner Von Siemens

For Students 9th - 10th
In 1866, the research of Werner von Siemens would lead to his discovery of the dynamo electric principle that paved the way for the large-scale generation of electricity through mechanical means.
Concord Consortium

Mobile Inquiry Technology: Moving Magnets

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
This investigation has students examining how electric and magnetic charges are related. They will look at how an electric current is affected by the proximity of a magnet.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Schweigger Multiplier 1820

For Students 9th - 10th
Spurred by Hans Christian Orsted's discovery of a relationship between electricity and magnetism, German chemist Julian Schweigger immediately began tinkering and soon came up with a very early galvanometer known as the Schweigger...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Michael Faraday

For Students 9th - 10th
A self-educated man with a brilliant mind, Michael Faraday was born in a hardscrabble neighborhood in London. Through the combination of insatiable curiosity and a powerful will to succeed, he transcended his austere beginnings to...
Unit Plan
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Electrostatic Generator

For Students 9th - 10th
Though simple by today's standards, the early electrostatic generators were a great milestone in humankind's understanding of electricity, allowing scientists to produce electricity so they could study it. (Java tutorial)
Unit Plan
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Rheostat

For Students 9th - 10th
After discovering the nature of electrical resistance, scientists devised instruments like this one to measure and control it. (Java tutorial)
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Torsion Balance 1785

For Students 9th - 10th
Read about Charles Augustin de Coulomb, who didn't invent the torsion balance, but was the first to discover it could be used to measure electrical charge- the first device capable of such a feat.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Leyden Jars 1745

For Students 9th - 10th
Because they could store significant amounts of charge, Leyden jars allowed scientists to experiment with electricity in a way never before possible.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Tesla Coil 1891

For Students 9th - 10th
By the late 1800s, electricity had long been discovered and was no longer considered a novelty. The science of how to store, enhance, or transmit electrical current was just beginning to evolve, and eccentric scientist Nikola Tesla...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: William Crookes

For Students 9th - 10th
English scientist William Crookes was very innovative in his investigations with vacuum tubes and designed a variety of different types to be used in his experimental work. Crookes tubes are glass vacuum chambers that contain a positive...

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