Lesson Plan

Fayette County Schools: Frankenstein & Electric Safety

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Site contains a science-based literacy activity that explains how to use electricity in a safe manner. A worksheet is provided.

Ducksters: Kids Science: Electricity 101

For Students 1st - 9th
Kid's learn about the basic science of electricity. What is it and how it works.

Ducksters: Kids Science: Uses of Electricity

For Students 1st - 9th
Kid's learn about the uses electricity. Where is it used and how does it help us in our daily lives.
Lesson Plan

Bc Hydro: Power Smart for Schools: Electromagnetism

For Students 6th - 8th
This set of activities has middle schoolers using everyday items (batteries, magnets, compasses, iron and paper clips) to reveal the connection between electricity and magnetism. Ideally, students will already have experience building...
Lesson Plan

Teach Engineering: Both Fields at Once?!

For Teachers 11th - 12th
This lesson discusses the result of a charge being subject to both electric and magnetic fields at the same time. It covers the Hall effect, velocity selector, and the charge to mass ratio. Given several sample problems, students learn...
Unit Plan

Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Physics (Combined Science)

For Students 9th - 10th
This site provides a list of the topics and links to the Physics (Combined Science)courses offered in GCSE Bitesize and a list of contents of each. The topics include the following: Energy, Electricity, Matter, Radioactivity, Forces,...
Concord Consortium

Concord Consortium: Molecular Workbench Showcase: Physics, Electromagnetism

For Students 9th - 10th
Students can use these simulations to understand concepts in electromagnetism. Simulations are available on the following concepts: Lorentz Force, The Hall Effect, capacitor, conductor, transistor, cyclotron, static electricity....
Science Buddies

Science Buddies: Walking Coins on a (Vertical!) 'High Wire'

For Students 9th - 10th
Here is a project that is almost like a magic trick: with a strong magnet and a simple apparatus you can build yourself, you can make a coin "walk" up and down a wire coat hanger. This project is an interesting way to learn about the...
University of Colorado

University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: Faraday's Law

For Students 9th - 10th
An interactive simulation that teaches about Faraday's Law, magnets, and magnetic fields by showing how a change in the magnetic flux can produce a flow of electricity. This simulation can either be downloaded or played online and...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Svante Arrhenius

For Students 9th - 10th
Svante Arrhenius was born in Vik, Sweden, and became the first native of that country to win the Nobel Prize. The award for chemistry was bestowed to him in honor of his theory of electrolytic dissociation. Arrhenius also developed the...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Richard Feynman

For Students 9th - 10th
Theoretical physicist Richard Phillips Feynman greatly simplified the way in which the interactions of particles could be described through his introduction of the diagrams that now bear his name (Feynman diagrams) and was a co-recipient...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Robert Millikan

For Students 9th - 10th
Robert Andrews Millikan was a prominent American physicist who made lasting contributions to both pure science and science education. He is particularly well known for his highly accurate determination of the charge of an electron via...

Pbs Kids:activities and Videos: Electricity

For Students 3rd - 8th
This PBS site offers videos and activities are hands-on challenges that focus on the engineering design process. They use simple materials, allow for multiple solutions, and are ideal for ages 9-12.
Science Buddies

Science Buddies: Solar Cell Power Output vs. Temperature

For Students 6th - 8th
Solar cells provide a clean way of making electricity directly from sunlight. In this project you will build a simple circuit and experimental setup to investigate whether the power output of a solar cell changes with ambient temperature.

Stile: 2.1 Lesson: Electromagnetism (Part 1)

For Students 4th - 6th
This is a sample lesson on electromagnetism. It includes animated diagrams, interactive exercises, an audio option for reading the text, and comprehension questions throughout where students can type their answers or pick from...
University of Colorado

University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: Band Structure

For Students 9th - 10th
Explore the origin of energy bands in crystals of atoms. The structure of these bands determines how materials conduct electricity. Java required.
DOGO Media

Dogo News: Plant Powered Lamps Bring Light to Village in Peru

For Students 5th - 8th
Read about the amazing development of plant-powered lamps that are bringing electricity to a village in remote Peru. Includes video.
Lesson Plan

Teach Engineering: Generators: Three Mile Island vs. Hoover Dam

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Students are given a history of electricity and its development into the modern age lifeline upon which we so depend. The methods of power generation are introduced, and further discussion of each technology's pros and cons follows.
Science Struck

Science Struck: The Relationship Between Magnetism and Electricity

For Students 9th - 10th
Provides a short explanation of the similarities between magnetism and electricity, the properties of their fields, and the effect they each have on a charged particle.

Nasa: Oersted and Ampere Link Electricity

For Students 9th - 10th
NASA provides a nice blending of the achievements of three scientists, Oersted, Ampere, and Maxwell. This done by NASA-sponsored International Solar-Terrestrial Physics group. Lots of pictures, diagrams, and scientific explanation. Good...
Lesson Plan

Hes Energy Net: Energy Use and Delivery: Lesson Plan 3.3: Electromagnets [Pdf]

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
In this lesson, students learn how to identify and explain an electromagnet, describe the relationship between electricity and magnetism, and compare an electromagnet to a bar magnet.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project

Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: Michael Faraday (1791 1867)

For Students 9th - 10th
Contains brief biographical information on Michael Faraday, as well as the text of the following lectures delivered by Faraday: The Force of Gravitation, Gravitation-Cohesion, Cohesion-Chemical Affinity, Chemical Affinity-Heat,...
Unit Plan
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Magnet Academy: Duchenne Machine 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
French physician Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne invented a device that electrically stimulates muscles. The apparatus gave him new insight into neuromuscular disorders, earned him the epitaph of "father of electrotherapeutics," and...
Florida State University

Florida State University: Magnet Lab: Electric Meter 1872

For Students 9th - 10th
The invention of the light bulb quickly created the need to track people's electricity usage. In 1872, Samuel Gardiner built the first simple power meter: a lamp with an attached clock that recorded the time the light was on.

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