Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Predicting White Blood Counts
Students find equations, which best-fit the data, using different regression models built into their calculators. The best method of handling this data, is to break the data into sections and fit different periods of time with different...
Cells Alive
Cells Alive!: The Immune System Quiz
Check out this ten multiple choice question quiz on the immune system.
University of Utah
University of Utah: Genetic Science Learning Center: The Basics and Beyond
This website offers a clear definition of the science of Genetics, highlighting DNA and genes. There is a neat, easy-to-understand animated tour of the basics and an opportunity to go inside an animated cell. Student can build a DNA...
Teach Engineering: Simple Coulter Counter
Students build and use a very basic Coulter electric sensing zone particle counter to count an unknown number of particles in a sample of "paint" to determine if enough particles per ml of paint exist to meet a quality standard. In a lab...
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Immune System Quiz
Take this interactive, multiple-choice quiz over the human immune system, then review your score and any missed questions at the end.
Teach Engineering: Feel Better Faster: All About Flow Rate
All of us have felt sick at some point in our lives. Many times, we find ourselves asking, "What is the quickest way that I can start to feel better?" During this two-lesson unit, students study that question and determine which form of...