Hvac Agent: Jobs
[Free Registration/Login Required] HVAC employment resource lists over 1,000 HVAC jobs in the United States for job seekers in the heating, AC, and refrigeration industry.
Careers New Zealand
Careers New Zealand: Meat/seafood Process Worker
Description of the occupation of meat grader, including working conditions, training, wages and job outlook. Includes profile of a meat processor.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Architectural and Engineering Managers
Read about the work of engineering, science and computer systems managers, their training requirements and the prospects for these occupations.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Electrical Engineers
This resource provides information about electrical engineer careers.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Mechanical Engineers
Learn about the general job functions of mechanical engineers, the industries that hire them and the occupation's employment prospects.
Career One Stop: Career and Cluster Videos
Resource offers online career videos in 16 industry areas to learn about the type of work performed in a variety of jobs in each industry area.
English Club
English Club: Vocabulary: Cloze Games: Jobs 7
Choose from a word bank to complete ten sentences about different building and manufacturing trades. Hints are available if needed, and a percentage score is displayed once answers are submitted.
Career Builder
Search hundreds of thousands of jobs ? across the nation or in your own neighborhood. Explore the Career Builder Database to search jobs by keyword, job category, company, or industry.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Abpi: Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals
An in-depth look at the technology involved in the pharmaceutical industry. Students work through interactive learning material, answering review questions along the way.
Geographypods: Theme 3: Economic Development: Industrial Systems
This learning module looks at industrial systems, including types of industries, how economic development impacts types of jobs, and how location affects industry type. Using the example of the Airbus plane, it looks at the distribution...
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Constitutional Rights Foundation: Economics and Democracy
Lesson in economics and democracy in which students analyze the decision to outsource jobs and determine if globalization is a threat to American workers. Small group, independent and whole class work. Links to related material.
Biotechnology Institute
Biotechnology Institute: Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology [Pdf]
New and exciting career opportunities are developing as the biotechnology industry finds ways to manufacture and produce more eco-friendly products and materials for the consumer. Read about the efforts and strides being made and how...
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Construction and Building Inspectors
Provides a look at the work of inspectors working for local governments to examine the construction, alteration, or repair of buildings or other construction.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Electricians
Government guide provides information on training, employment and professional advancement for electricians.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Brickmasons & Blockmasons
Guide includes a job outlook and description, as well as information on training and professional advancement for Brickmasons, Blockmasons, and Stonemasons.
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Carpenters
This site is from States Department of Labor supplies information on the carpentry job industry. Data includes earnings, training, and job outlook.
Careers New Zealand
Careers Nz: Wood Processing Worker
Description of the occupation of wood processing worker, including training, duties, working conditions, outlook and wages (in New Zealand). Two profiles of sawmill workers are included.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Career Profile: Semiconductor Processor
Semiconductors are integral to all computers. Manufacturing these semiconductors and assuring that they work properly is the job of the semiconductor processor. This Science Buddies site lays out the requirements needed for this career,...
Digital History
Digital History: Foreign Competition
This site describes how by the 1970s, foreign manufacturers were embedded in the U.S. markets. For the U.S., this meant a loss of sales, a loss of jobs, and a loss of economic confidence.
Land Surveyor Reference Page
This vocational website for land surveyors includes links to state rules, professional organizations and publications, meetings and conventions, and other resources that students interested in this career can reference.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Career Profile: Commercial and Industrial Designer
If you are interested in both art and engineering, you might like to investigate the career of commercial and industrial designer. This career designs products that are functional and pleasant to the eye. This Science Buddies site lays...
Career Cornerstone Center
Sloan Career Cornerstone Center: Mechanical Engineering
A career in Mechanical Engineering is profiled.Included: Mechanical Engineering overview, Preparation, Day In The Life, Earnings, Employment, Career Path Forecast, Professional Organizations.
Pbs Learning Media: Write Now! Career Writing Prompts: Production Manager
This Career Clip features Tonya Dean, Production Manager at the Lehigh Valley Syrup Plant for Coca-Cola. She is responsible for ensuring that the operations run smoothly and that all the customer's orders get completed. Her best advice...
Employment Spot
Employment Spot: Engineering Employment Resources
Explore engineering employment resources using the Employment Spot career resources.