Online Learning Haven
Adaptations: Sea Turtles
An interesting that examines the structural and behavioral adaptations of the sea turtle. The problems of survival faced by the hatchlings is also delved into in this site.
Nova: Deep Sea Beastiary
Get descriptions and pictures of numerous deep sea fish. Discover the adaptations that enable them to survive at tremendous depths.
Penguin Science
Penguin Science: Penguins Marching Into the Classroom
Follow Adelie Penguin families as they raise their chicks. Daily pictures (November through January) from the penguin colony on Ross Island, Antarctica. are posted with data for students to keep a field journal. Inquiry classroom...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Hall of Mammals: Beaver
A brief overview of the beaver and accompanying photos demonstrate the physical adaptations that allow this animal to eat and live in its habitat.