Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Eight Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their eight times table skills. Students answer ten multiplication questions. Learners can check to see if their solutions are correct when they are finished.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Thirteen Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their thirteen times table skills. Students answer ten multiplication questions. Learners can check to see if their solutions are correct when they are finished.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Year 3 Word Problems A
Arithmetic skills are needed to answer the ten word problems. Students can check their answers when they are finished.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Rounding to Nearest 10 or 100
The learning activity reviews rounding to the nearest ten or hundred. Students answer ten questions and can check their answers when finished.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Doubling Numbers Up to 100
The learning activity reviews doubling up to one hundred. Students answer ten questions and can check their answers when finished.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Word Problems 1
Students use basic arithmetic skills to answer ten word problems.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Application of Percents
Get independent practice applying percent concept to real world situations. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Use a Simulation
Get independent practice using a simulation. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
This is a site for students and teachers of all grade levels. If you are looking for math tables, general information about math topics, or you would like to ask a question, this is the site to visit.
Jiskha Homework Help: Math Calculus offers help with your calculus homework. Use the find button to locate the subject you are interested in. This will take you to the correct link.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Converting Meters to Kilometers
The learning activity reviews conversion from meters to kilometers. Students answer ten questions and can check their answers when finished.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Venn Diagrams
Get independent practice working with Venn diagrams. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
Help With Fractions: Finding the Least Common Multiple
This website gives an excellent explanation of how to find the least common multiple. It offers two different methods and gives easy to follow step by step directions.
Help With Fractions: Simplifying Fractions
The rules for simplifying fractions are clearly explained at this website. An explanation of how to simplify improper fractions is also included. This is an excellent place to get step by step explanations for working with fractions.
Help With Fractions: Reducing Fractions by Factorization
The rules for reducing fractions using factorization are clearly explained at this website. This is an excellent place to get step by step explanations for working with fractions.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Homework Helper: Math
This site is provided for by A ten-year-old boy and his father found over 625 links to educational sites. Need help with homework ask B.J.
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Monkeys Count
Should you ask a monkey to help you with your math homework? Probably not, but scientists have discovered that monkeys can keep track of small numbers. See how they discovered this!
Help With Fractions: Prime Numbers Chart
Prime and composite numbers are defined on this website. A prime number chart is also included for all prime numbers under 10,000.
Help With Fractions: Rules and Definitions
The rules and definitions of fractions are clearly explained at this website. Numerators and denominators are illustrated and explained. This is an excellent place to get the basic foundation for fractions.
Help With Fractions: Least Common Denominator
The rules for finding the least common denominator are clearly explained at this website. Two different methods are given. This is an excellent place to get step by step explanations for working with fractions.
Help With Fractions: The Greatest Common Factor
Two different methods of finding the greatest common factor are explained at this one page website. It is very easy to follow the step by step directions.
Paul Dawkins
Paul's Online Notes: Trig Cheat Sheet [Pdf]
A trigonometry "cheat sheet" to use as a reference when completing trigonometry homework. Lists basic facts, properties, identities, formulas, and inverse trigonometric functions.
California State University
Csudh: Chemistry: Converting Distance
Convert distance measures between the English (inches, feet and yards) and metric (mm,cm,meters,km). It is intended to help with both your math skill and your understanding of the metric system.
California State University
Csudh: Chemistry: Converting Volumes
Perform problems involving converting volumes between the English and metric systems to help develop math skills.