Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Adding Decimals
Learn to add decimals by viewing simple steps and examples. Follow links to decimal worksheets, as well as steps for subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals.
Mathpower: Math Fundamental Assignments
Math variety of concepts, this colorful website is sure to give your students the chance show what they know. Concepts covered include rounding, division with decimals, order of operations, ratio, percent, multiplication, and division of...
SMART Technologies
Smart: Foundational Math Concepts for Elementary Ages
Practice everyday math skills such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, place value, counting money, telling time, fractions, decimals, and more.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Fractions & Decimals: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
The mathematics resource explores how to multiply fractions and mixed numbers. Students examine the topics through class notes and examples. Practice problems with solutions are available to check for comprehension of the concepts.
Hopelink: Teaching Percentages
Students can brush up on percentage skills with this lesson and calculate percentages using the "Percent Tricks method." For students to successfully use this method, they must have the ability to multiply and divide whole numbers.
Online Math Learning: Multiplying and Dividing Positive & Negative Decimals
An interactive worksheet for practice in the multiplication and division of decimals with positive and negative signs.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Web Math: Convert Regular Decimals to Scientific Notation
This site gives an answer and explanation for any conversion requested by the user.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: The Magic Number and the Hepta Tree
Use your calculator to help you solve this challenge at this one page website. You can check your solution with only one click of the mouse.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: N Rn Sums of Rational and Irrational Numbers
The goal of this task is to examine sums and products of rational and irrational numbers. One important property of rational numbers is that their decimals always terminate or repeat: using a slightly different formulation, a rational...
The Math League
The Math League: Fractions
This tutorial covers all types of fractions with simple explanations on how to work with them.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Design Your Own Bedroom
Many young scholars dream of designing their ideal bedroom. In this exercise, students will be required to limit their designs by size (as a specific volume) and price (a specific amount). They must design the floor plan, including...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dividing Whole Numbers to Get a Decimal
Divide two whole numbers to get a quotient with a decimal. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 6.ns Movie Tickets
In this task, 6th graders are asked to compare the buying power of $20 in 1987 and 2012 with respect to the cost of movie tickets. Aligns with 6.NS.B.3.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 6.ns Multiplication, Division and Place Value, Part 1
Sixth graders are presented with a completed multiplication equation and are asked to use it to find the answers to seven other equations. To do this, they must use their reasoning and estimation skills. Aligns with 6.NS.B.3.