Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Angular Measure 2
Looking for an easier way to do angular measurements? This page introduces you to a trick by using skinny triangles with small angles. The skinny triangles lets the astronomer assume right triangles and then they can use trigonometry to...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Geometry: Relation of Polygon Sides to Angles and Diagonals
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Find interior angle measures of polygons by drawing diagonals to create triangles.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Equilateral Triangle Interior Angles Practice Problems: Lesson 5
This lesson will provide practice problems that involve solving for unknown angle and side measures of equilateral triangles. It is 5 of 5 in the series titled "Equilateral Triangle Interior Angles Practice Problems."
OER Commons
Oer Commons: Pre Assessment
Students solve for missing angle measures by applying what they have learned about types of angles and the angle measures of polygons. Students do a pre-assessment at the end of the lesson.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Looking for Mr. Right Triangle
Navigator Activity: This is a review of the right triangle in the coordinate plane. Given two lines (2 really nice ones) the students write the equation of the 3rd line to create a right triangle. They find the vertices of the triangle...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Isosceles Triangles
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students are given an Isosceles triangle and are asked to move the point on the line segment to explore how the angle measure changes. Click learn more to watch a video demonstration and click challenge...
Class Flow: Triangles and Angles
[Free Registration/Login Required] Classify angles by their side and angles. Find angles and measure in triangles.
Class Flow: Classifying Triangles
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson covers methods of classifying triangles, both according to the length of their sides and by the measure of their interior angle.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Finding the Third Angle of a Triangle
Finding the third angle of a triangle becomes easier by the explanation and examples presented.
Government of Alberta
Learn Alberta: Math Interactives: Exploring Trig Ratios
Investigate the cosine, sine, and tangent ratios of trigonometry using this interactive Learn Alberta math resource. Students will use these ratios to determine a right triangle's unknown side or angle. Be sure to follow the link to the...
Math Open Reference
Math Open Reference: Constructions
Learn about drawing shapes using only a compass and straight edge or ruler with out measuring any lengths or angles.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Squaring the Triangle
Learn about how the Pythagorean Theorem works through investigating the standard geometric proof.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Collecting Data in Geometry
This activity is designed for students to make conjectures about triangles. Students will create three lists to represent the measures of the angles of the triangle. The entire class list will then be sent to each student for analysis,...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Cabri Geometry Tour
In this activity, students use the Cabri software to mark points, draw lines, construct parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, bisectors, and triangles. They learn how to use the tool to measure angles.
Clark University
Clark University: Dave's Short Trig Course: Tangents and Slopes
Explains what "tangent" is and its role in the right triangle. Slope of a line is investigated and tangent for special common angles is given. Angle of elevation and angle of depression are also covered here.
OER Commons
Oer Commons: Exploring Polygons
In this instructional activity, students explore different polygons by drawing them, measuring angles, and manipulating interactive sketches to find the angle sum for any polygon. Students also explore the angle measures in regular...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra Ii: 4.3 the Unit Circle
Activities in this lesson explore how to identify the coordinates where special right triangles intersect with the unit circle in all four quadrants, use both degrees and radians to identify angles, and explore angles of different sizes...
Class Flow: Linear Pair and Vertical Angle Discoveries
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this Flipchart, students explore linear pairs and vertical angles. Students determine the measure of interior and exterior angles.
Teach Engineering: Trigonometry via Mobile Device
Students investigate the relationships between angles and side lengths in right triangles with the help of materials found in the classroom and a mobile device.
Teach Engineering: Handheld Trigonometry
In addition to understanding the concept of similar right triangles and how they apply to trigonometric ratios, students explore a clinometer app, and discover how it can be used to test the mathematics underpinning trigonometry.
Math2 Trigonometry Functions
A complete look at trig functions. From an "overview," page giving general definitions and important vocab words, to a listing of the 12 trig functions, to an explanation of the three modes used in trigonometry, to the procedures of how...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Interactive Geometry: 7.7 Law of Cosines
Learn how the Law of Cosines uses the measure of angle C to provide an equation that relates the three sides of the triangle with angle C.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 4.g Are These Right?
The purpose of this task is for students to measure angles and decide whether the triangles are right or not. Aligns with 4.G.A.2.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Math Today When a Ruler Isn't Enough
This activity illustrates a real-life problem that uses trigonometry to solve for an unknown. students can use trigonometric ratios and inverse trigonometric relationships to determine the side of a triangle and the measure of the...