Science Buddies
Science Buddies: The Chills and Thrills of Roller Coaster Hills
Lots of people enjoy roller coasters, but not many understand why they feel the strange excitement they do when riding them. In this science fair project, you will build and use an accelerometer to figure out and measure gravity-induced...
University of Notre Dame
Und: Properties of a Pure Substance [Pdf]
Often we find that different phases of pure substances can exist in equilibrium with one another. Let us consider an important gedankenexperiment (Latin-German for "thought experiment") in which we boil water. Ordinary water boiling is...
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Heron of Alexandria (Ca. 75 Ad)
Greek mathematician who was mainly interested in practical studies of mechanics and engineering. He dealt with a number of such problems in his work Dioptra. He is best known today for Proposition 1.8 of his Metrica, which is now known...
Curated OER
Colorado State Univ.: Heat Transfer Resistance Modeling
This site from the Colorado State University discusses the tranfer of heat by conduction and convection. Discussion centers around the application of these two heat transfer mechanisms to engines. The variables that effect the resistance...