Bbc: News: Country Profile: Kazakhstan
BBC News offers a general overview of the vast Central Asian country of Kazakhstan. Focus is on history, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events and recent news articles.
Bbc News: Country Profile: Slovenia
BBC News features a general summary of Slovenia, a member of the European Union. Focus is on history, current information, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events, related internet sources, and...
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Albania
BBC News offers a broad overview of the European country of Albania. Focus is on history, current information, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events, internet resources, and recent news articles.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Bulgaria
BBC News presents a general overview of the European nation of Bulgaria. Focus is on history, current information, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events, related internet resources, and recent news...
Bbc News: Country Profile: Romania
BBC News offers general information on the Balkan country of Romania. Focus is on history, current information, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events related internet sources, and recent news...
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Argentina
Provides an overview and some basic facts about the South American country of Argentina. Also discussed is the current leader and its media market.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Bahamas
BBC furnishes an overview, facts, leaders, and a media list for the Bahamas. Provided is a link to a detailed timeline of events.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Guyana
This BBC article provides a brief sketch of Guyana, one of the poorest countries in South America. Presents facts on government, history, culture, leaders, and media.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Paraguay
The BBC provides some quick facts and general information about Paraguay's history, leaders, and media. Links to national anthem and timeline of key events.
Bbc: News Country Profile: El Salvador
BBC furnishes an overview, facts, leaders' information, and a media list for El Salvador. Provided is a link to a detailed timeline of events and the audio of the national anthem.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: St Kitts and Nevis
The BBC furnishes information on the Caribbean islands of St Kitts and Nevis including these topics: an overview, facts, political leaders, and the media. Links to an audio of the national anthem and a timeline of key historical events.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Iraq
The BBC provides a general overview of the country of Iraq. Content includes a focus on Saddam Hussein, Iraq's press and media, an Iraqi timeline of key events, and much more.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Cambodia
BBC News offers us a general overview of the south-east Asian country of Cambodia. Focus is on history, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events and recent news articles.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Singapore
BBC News provides a general overview of the prosperous south-east Asian country of Singapore. Focus is on history, country facts, leaders, and media. Provides links to a timeline of key events and recent news articles.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Bangladesh
Provides an overview and some basic facts about the Asian country of Bangladesh. Also discussed is the current leader and its media market.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Jordan
The BBC provides a general overview of the country of Jordan. Content includes a focus on Jordan's recent history, leaders and media, a Jordanian timeline of key events, and much more.
Bbc News: Country Profile: Indonesia
The BBC provides a general overview of the country of Indonesia. Content includes a focus on Indonesian recent history, leaders and media. There is also a timeline of key events in Indonesian history.
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Japan
The BBC provides a general overview of the country of Japan. Content includes a focus on Japan's recent history, leaders and media. There is also a timeline of key events in Japanese history.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Trillion Dollar Footprint [Pdf]
Learners learn that they have a digital footprint, which can be searched, shared, and seen by a large, invisible audience. Students then learn that they can take some control over their digital footprint based on what they post online....
Bbc: Botswana Profile
This profile provides a concise overview of Botswana's history, culture, and economy in addition to information concerning the country's leaders and media. Links to related articles are also featured.
Bbc: Algeria Profile
This profile provides a concise overview of Algeria's history, culture, and economy. In addition, it features information about Algeria's leaders and its media. Links to related articles are also featured.
Bbc: Benin Profile
This profile provides a concise overview of Benin's history, culture, and economy in addition to information concerning Benin's leaders and media. Links to related articles are also featured.
Bbc: Ghana Profile
This profile provides a concise overview of Ghana's history, culture, and economy in addition to information about the country's leaders and media. Links to related articles are also featured.
Bbc: Mali Profile
This profile provides a concise overview of Mali's history, culture, and economy. In addition to information concerning the country's leaders and media. Links to related articles are also featured.