Western Michigan University: Richard Rawlinson Center: Anglo Saxon Studies
Learn more about Anglo Saxon studies and research from the Richard Rawlinson Center. The page provides a wide range of links to different medieval resources.
Luminarium: Geoffrey Chaucer
Luminarium offers Chaucer quotes, a biography, a collection of Chaucer's works, both in Middle and Modern English, a selection of essays about his times and his works and links to much of the other scholarly information about Chaucer on...
Harvard University
The Harvard Chaucer Page: "Flower and the Leaf"
John Dryden's (1631-1700)translation from the middle English of a poem once attributed to Chaucer. Preface to The Fables (1700)Modern English translation by John Dryden of Chaucer's "The Flower and the Leaf."
Harvard University
Harvard: The Geoffrey Chaucer Page: John Lydgate
Resource provides a brief biography and general critique of his "high style" English lyric poetry, with links to several of his works, some annotated. Beautiful color picture from "Sege of Thebes."
Harvard University
The Harvard Chaucer Page: "Piers Plowman"
Full text of William Langland's (1332?-1400?) middle English narrative poem "Piers Plowman." Includes scholarly introduction that notes parallels between the poem and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: The Middle Ages
Description and links to descriptions of the various peoples during the Middle Ages. Covers everything from religion to feudal life.
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: Eustache Deschamps
A brief Encyclopedia article about Eustache Deschamps, a French poet of the 14th century.
Harvard University
The Geoffrey Chaucer Page: Contemporary Reputation
Features praise in verse for Geoffrey Chaucer by his contemporaries: Lydgate, Hoccleve, Gower, Usk, and Deschamps. A rare look at the community that existed among 14th century English writers.
Harvard University
The Harvard Chaucer Page: The High Style
Essay about Geoffrey Chaucer's use of the "high style" in middle English verse, characterized by an elegantly adorned diction reliant upon Latin and French borrowings.
Geoffery chaucer.org: A Guide to Online Resources
A detailed online guide to numerous websites that deal with the life and the works of Geoffery Chaucer, author of "The Canterbury Tales."
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Geoffrey Chaucer
Have your students ever read any of Geoffrey Chaucer's work? Check out this comprehensive site featuring links to several sites focused on his life and "The Canterbury Tales."
British Library
British Library: Discovering Literature: Geoffrey Chaucer
Familiarize yourself with the life and works of Geoffrey Chaucer. This source contains a quick fact sheet, a short biography, and links to related articles, collection items, works, and teacher resources.
Harvard University
The Geoffrey Chaucer Page: Main Page
This site from The Geoffrey Chaucer Page provides materials for Harvard's Chaucer classes. It provides a wide range of texts and translations of Chaucer's works along with critical articles from various perspectives and general...
Beowulf: An Adaptation From the Old English Version
Enjoy this contemporary English translation of the epic Old English poem Beowulf, which can be read in conjunction with the original for better comprehension.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Romance
These two paragraphs describe the medieval narrative romance, contrasting it with the epic.
Luminarium: Heroes of the Middle Ages
Approximately half-way through this essay is an intriguing paragraph dealing with Sir Gawain's spiritual battle in "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." This is contrasted with the more traditional physical battle of many epic heroes....
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Read the original Middle English. Within the text is also a modern English prose translation.
My Hero Project
My Hero: Christine De Pisan
Use this site to learn about Christine de Pisan, a writer of the Middle Ages well known for her poems, songs, and ballads.
University of Michigan
The Women Troubadours
Highlights quotes from a few poems from Meg Bogin's book The Female Troubadours. There is also a very brief paragraph about women troubadours.
Pace University: "Sir Gawain" Summary
Basic summary of the epic poem "Sir Gawain and the Green knight."
W. W. Norton
W. W. Norton & Company: Norton Anthology: Introduction to the Romantic Period
The major Romantic poets cannot be understood, historically, without an awareness of the extent to which their distinctive concepts, plots, forms, and imagery were shaped first by the promise, then by the tragedy, of the French...
Brown University
Brown University: The Decameron Project
Few great books like the Decameron have shaped our very notion of storytelling and its crucial role in the negotiation and production of shared social and cultural values. In its hundred stories, shared in ten days by ten young people...
Harvard University
Harvard's Chaucer Page: Compare Chaucer & Petrarch
Chaucer, in his "Canticus Troili" from Book One of "Troilus and Criseyda," draws from Petrarch's "If Love Does Not Exist." The former is written in Middle English, the latter in Italian, both without glossaries or further translation, so...
Humanities Web: Anglo Norman Literature
This site delves into the world of Anglo Norman literature from 1066 to 1350. This period of literature focuses on the "Specimens of the language."