E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Husky Sled: Subtraction Strategies
Take a ride on the sled with Alexander and Keiko!
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Igloo: Addition
It takes a lot of math to build an Igloo. Can you help Kirima? Students will learn to select and apply appropriate mental, written or calculator strategies to solve addition problems.
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: Addition and Subtraction Higher Numbers
An extensive selection of teacher resources to aide in teaching and reviewing addition and subtraction of two and three digit numbers, inverse operations, counting on, and other mental strategies for addition and subtraction. Resources...
Primary Resources
Primary Resources: Doubling and Halving
Great teacher resources for helping students learn how to double or halve numbers quickly. Includes worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, and classroom games.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Bbq Party: Counting Forwards & Backwards
Explore counting and number patterns with Lily as she throws a BBQ party.
Pbs Kids Afterschool Adventure!: Operation: Adding Up, Taking Away Activity Plan
In this week's Afterschool Adventure, children will practice and explore strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems, such as using counters and rulers, performing mental math, and drawing pictures. As children encounter...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Penguins: Division
This interactive site allows students to practice their division skills. At the end of the lesson students will be able to divide mentally using divisibility tests, solve word problems using division strategies, and use a written...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Llama Farm: Mixed Operations
On this interactive site students learn to write a remainder as a decimal and solve division problems using the appropriate mental, written or calculator strategy.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: Ajedrez
Practice your mental skills with the game of chess. A group of two players are needed for this game.
Casting Out Nines: A Math Computation Checking Strategy
It's a mathematician's dream come true. An easy trick for checking mathematical computations, without a calculator! Believe it or not, it works with all four operations.
Class Flow: Estimation
[Free Registration/Login Required] After this lesson, students will be able to solve problems using a variety of mental math strategies.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Estimation
Improve your estimation and rounding skills with these interactive games that are challenging and fun. Excellent skills practice for rounding, estimating sums and differences, and front-end estimation. Links to lesson plans, teacher...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Dicey Operations
Dice throwing games are played with a 0-9 dice and teams of two. Students should understand why are some cells more significant than others, how do you decide which targets are appropriate, and what are effective strategies for placing...
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Adding Two Digit Numbers Mentally
Read these two strategies for adding two-digit numbers in your head. Then try out the one you like better by playing the game. Running totals of your correct and incorrect answers as well as a percent score of your correct answers will...
Ministerio De Educacion: Bloqueo en 2 Filas
Use different strategies to play this interactive game. You need two players for this game.
Ministerio De Educacion: Bloqueo en Mas De 2 Filas
Use different strategies to win this interactive game. You need two players for this game.
Ministerio De Educacion: Bloqueo en Fila Desiguales
To win this game you need to use good strategies. Two players are needed for this game.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Why Do We Carry the One?
The young scholars will critically think through the traditional algorithm for addition and compare to an alternative strategy.