Curated OER
Equal Protection Questions
In this Supreme Court worksheet, students respond to 14 short answer questions regarding equal protection and gay marriage issues in the United States.
Curated OER
The Race to Learn
Students explore the history of education and race in the United States. By researching Supreme Court cases dealing with race and education, students examine the ways in which these cases have reflected changing social and cultural norms.
FOX News
Fox News: High Court Has Split Decision on Affirmative Action
Fox News analyzes the Gratz and Grutter cases and what it means for affirmative action in this June, 2003, report.
NPR: National Public Radio
Npr: Split Ruling on Affirmative Action
This multimedia site explores the Supreme Court reaction to affirmative action cases in university admissions policies. There are links to audio clips and various related articles.
Cnn: Supreme Court Upholds and Limits Affirmative Action
Great article that discusses the recent Supreme Court case dealing with affirmative action and college admission (University of Michigan Cases). Includes links to other resources as well as discussion and activities for parents and...
Cnn: White House Opposes "Flawed" Affirmative Action
This site describes the George W. Bush administration's decision to challenge the affirmative action policies in the University of Michigan's admission processes. Gives reactions from various civic leaders.
University of Michigan
Us Supreme Court Rules on University of Michigan Cases
This site, sponsored by the University of Michigan, gives an overview of the Supreme Court's decisions as well as the reaction from the University of Michigan's President. A great site to gain information about the legal challenge of the...
Cnn: Narrow Use of Affirmative Action Preserved
CNN reports on the Supreme Court decision that allows race to be a factor for universities shaping their admissions programs, saying a broad social value may be gained from diversity in the classroom.
Illinois Institute of Technology
Oyez: Gratz v. Bollinger
This is a great resource that gives both a brief summary of the case Gratz v. Bollinger and audio of the oral arguments heard before the Supreme Court. A great resource for teachers/students learning about the court's position on...
NPR: National Public Radio
Npr: News
NPR has some great coverage of recent events. Use the search tool on the site and search for affirmative action. Reports go back as far as 1996. All of the reports are available as free AUDIO clips. If you cannot use audio, the text...
Wnet: Thirteen: The Supreme Court: Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)
PBS offers a synopsis of the landmark Supreme Court cases of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger which "affirmed and refined its position on affirmative action".
Cornell University
Cornell University: Law School: Grutter v. Bollinger
U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Grutter v. Bollinger case involving affirmative action.
Illinois Institute of Technology
Oyez: Grutter v. Bollinger
This resource gives a brief but informative overview of Grutter v. Bollinger. Also includes audio of the oral arguments given in front of the Supreme Court. A great site for studying this case.
Debating Racial Preference Gratz Grutter
A site that has links to a large amount of information regarding the Gratz and Grutter Supreme Court cases. Links include documents, summaries, issues, briefs, and oral arguments.
International Civil Rights Center: Explore History: Civil Rights Movement
In 1960, four students at North Carolina A&T University decided to protest segregation laws by staging a sit-in at the Woolworth store lunch counter. Their action sparked a nation-wide protest by students that spread from just...
International Civil Rights Center and Museum: America's Civil Rights Timeline
Provides a timeline of the civil rights movement from the Dred Scott Supreme Court case in 1857 up to the affirmative action policy instated at the University of Michigan Law School in 1992.