Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: British Lit: 20th Century Postmodernism: Introduction
This is an introduction to a unit on 20th Century Postmodernism in British poetry and short stories. Although the works in this unit vary in style and themes, each reflects disorder and an attempt to create a new reality. The unit looks...
Open Unversity: The Modern Movement in Architecture
A compelling look at the roots and influence of modernism in architecture. With excellent biographies of the leading architects of the movement (e.g., Le Corbusier and Mies Van Der Rohe) and many, many examples of buildings that define...
The Wharton Group
Discover France: Art Nouveau
This site contains information on Art Nouveau in great detail. Find out what this term means, and how this "new art" adapted from old styles.
Art Lex: Futurism
Read about the futurist movement in painting - particularly in Italian painting - and view examples of this style of painting. Click on the titles of each work to enlarge the images.