The Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Board: The Politics of Monetary Policy: Balancing Independence and Accountability
The Governor of Wisconsin's remarks on monetary policy. The article discusses the effective operation of the central bank within government. (October 24, 2000)
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 14: Introduction to Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation
In this chapter, you will learn about the following: The Federal Reserve banking system and central banks, bank regulation, how a central bank executes monetary policy, monetary policy and economic outcomes, and the pitfalls for monetary...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Monetary Policy: Foundational Concepts
Are you ready to be the next chair of the Federal Reserve? Practice your skills applying monetary policy here!
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: 14: Monetary Policy & Bank Regulation: Key Concepts and Summary
This section provides a summary of all of the key concepts in Chapter 14: Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation from the Texas Gateway AP Macroeconomics online textbook.
Auburn University
Auburn University: Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Monetary Policy Defined
This site provides a very thorough definition of the economic concept of monetary policy. The explanation is by Dr. Paul Johnson of Auburn University
Federal Reserve of Kansas City: The Federal Reserve System
Website of the Federal Reserve, Kansas City District, which explains monetary policy, and a history of the Federal Reserve System.
Library of Economics and Liberty
Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: Monetary Policy
Offers an in-depth description of monetary policy, its characteristics, functions, and goals.
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis: Federal Reserve System
This Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis webpage provides links to resources about the Federal Reserve System, Board, and Banks.
The Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Board: The Structure of the Federal Reserve System
This page, part of an expanded discussion on the Fed, explains the structure of the Federal Reserve System.
Chicago Coin Club: Eight Hundred Years of Roman Coinage
Nearly halfway through this page under the subtitle, "Disintegration of the Monetary System" is a discussion of the monetary collapse and the efforts of subsequent emperors to restore the coinage.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 14: The Federal Reserve Banking System and Central Banks
By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following: explain the structure and organization of the U.S. Federal Reserve and discuss how central banks impact monetary policy, promote financial stability, and provide banking...
Make Your Own Money
An extremely intricate and well organized WebQuest that involves economics and visual arts. Students complete an online exploration of monetary systems and then create one of their own for their school.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ch. 14: How a Central Bank Executes Monetary Policy
By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following: Explain the reason for open market operations, evaluate reserve requirements and discount rates, and interpret and show bank activity through balance sheets.
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: The Federal Reserve System
The site maintained by the Federal Reserve District explains monetary policy, and supervisory and regulatory role of the U.S. Federal Reserve System.
International Monetary Fund: The Imf at a Glance
Key information and facts about the IMF are presented.
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta: Structure and Functions
Produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, this pamphlet describes the roles of the Federal Reserve System's Board of Governors, 12 regional banks, and Federal Open Market Committee in fostering a sound economy.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Economics U$a: 21st Century Edition
A micro and macroeconomics course for 21st century learners. 28 half-hour videos sessions with text and guides regarding markets, firms, supply and demand, perfect competition and inelastic demand, economic efficiency, monopolies,...
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
This page from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond provides access to information in the following categories: General Information, Monetary Policy & Business Conditions, Financial Services, Banking, Community Affairs, Consumer...
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis: Pursuing an Economy That Works for All of Us
The Minneapolis branch of the Federal Reserve Bank system. It has a wealth of financial information and data, information about the banking system and the state of the economy, and financial education resources.
The Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Board: About the Fed
This Federal Reserve Board site page gives a short description of the Federal Reserve System and what it does. Related links.
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
This page from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta provides access to information in the following categories: the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Federal Reserve System, Banking & Finance, Economics, Publications, Search, Site...
Money: What It Is, How It Works: Understanding Government Debt
This article discusses how our monetary system works and the role the government plays. Organized into the following sections: "Government Money," "Treasury Options", "Tax or Borrow?", "Rolling Over Government Debt", and "Net Financial...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: The Dismal Science: The Gold Bug Variations
This page provides access to the article, "The Gold Bug Variations: The gold standard-and the men who love it." In it, Paul Krugman discusses the relationship between the gold standard and monetary policy. (Nov. 22, 1996)
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Focus on Economic Data
This lesson focuses on the May 1, 2013, press release by the Federal Reserve System's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on the current Federal Reserve monetary policy actions and goals, and specifically, the federal fund's rate...