Siteseen: American Historama: The Nation of Islam
Detailed facts on The Nation of Islam, the Black Muslims who were led by Elijah Muhammad and advocated black nationalism and black separatism.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Elijah Muhammad
This entry from Encyclopedia Britannica features Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the black separatist religious movement known as the Nation of Islam (sometimes called Black Muslims) in the United States.
Wikipedia: Elijah Muhammad
Wikipedia offers biographical information on Elijah Muhammad, founder and leader of the Nation of Islam. Note that Wikipedia is a public source, not a scholarly one.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History: Birth of Islam
Illustrated essay explains, in a few short paragraphs, the significance of Muhammad, the Koran, and Mecca as central to the origin of the Islamic faith.
Azizah Magazine
This is a commercial site for Azizah, a magazine by and for Muslim women in North America. Site contains some news headlines, but you must subscribe in order to see magazine articles. Articles cover such timely topics as women's roles in...
Pbs: Virtual Hajj
An interactive tour of the Hajj which is one of the "Five Pillars of Faith". It also includes video clips taken from the PBS film "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet". Requires the Real Player plug-in.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Al Farabi,avincenna, Averroe
This is an essay on the role of philosophy in Islam according to Al-Farabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, who are Islamic philosophers and writers from the Middle Ages.
Council of Foreign Relations
C Vouncil on Foreign Relations: State Sponsers: Iran
This resource answers questions regarding Iran, terrorism, and implications for the United States.
Islam101: The Holy Quran:the Final Revealed Text From God
A lot of information about the Holy Quran, "the Divine Book revealed to Muhammad who was a prophet of God." Includes several sections about the Quran including, "Way to Quran," "Preservation of Quran," "Arabic Letters," and "Books on...
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Law and Justice
Excerpt from the "Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Islam" contains a description of how law and the Qu'ran work hand-in-hand. The law of the Qu'ran dictates all facets of life including commerce.
Wikipedia: Malcolm X
A nice, concise biography on the life of Malcolm X from Wikipedia that provides information on his involvement with the Nation of Islam, his leaving the organization, his pilgrimage to Mecca, and his assassination.
Wikipedia: Muammar Gaddafi
This biography of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi discusses his rise to power, his regime of Islamic socialism and support of pan-Arabism and the PLO, his relations with other countries, the Libyan Civil War, his capture and execution, and...
Law Research: Pakistan Law and Government Pakistani Historical Background
Detailed information about Pakistan's history from the dawn of Islam to the Pakistan movement.
Muslims Online: Prophets, Messengers and Holy Scriptures
Here are some of the verses in the Islamic scriptures which mention the prophets and messengers of the God of Islam, Allah. Organized into two sections- One about the twenty-five prophets mentioned in the Quran, including Noah and...
Princeton University
Princeton University: The Abbasids (750 1517)
An article which discusses the changes that were brought about by the Abbasids. Includes a family tree and resources for more information.
Bbc: Sunnis and Shias
A quick guide to discovering the differences between Sunnis and Shias, both members of the Muslim religion. Describes what each branch believes in; both their shared beliefs and their differences.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Motivation for European Conquest of the New World
God, gold, and glory motivated European nations to explore and create colonies in the New World. This article discusses the Crusades and how they influenced European colonization projects.
Sacred Sites: Places of Peace and Power: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Information about the birthplace of Muhammad, Mecca, or Makkah.
Islami City
Islami City: The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
This is a great website for those wanting a complete list of all the names of God according to the Quran. Each name is accompanied by a translation and verses from the Quran which depict the name. Each verse is provided in an audio file.
National Humanities Center
National Humanities Center: Toolbox Library: Separating: Making of African American Identity: V. 3
Article summarizes and provides links to audio and text versions of a speech made by Malcolm X one month after he left the Nation of Islam over a disagreement with its leader Elijah Muhammad. Includes questions for discussion.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Battle of the Yarmuk
This site from Fordham University provides an early writing describing the battle of Yarmuk, at which the Muslims defeated the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius and his army.
Black Past
Black Past: Malcolm X
This encyclopedia article recounts the course of Malcolm X, a fiery speaker and supporter of Black Nationalism.
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: Monotheism
This article from The New Advent looks at Monotheism in great detail, through the Catholic Church. Please note that ?The Catholic Encyclopedia? is a historic reference source and should be viewed in the context of resource material dated...