Toy Theater
Toy Theater: Math Flashcards
You decide what you kind of flashcards you want to practice: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Type in the answer and click "Get Answer". Click "Next" to get the next flashcard. The game keeps track of the number right,...
Class Flow: Multiplication Game
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a team game for practicing multiplication facts.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Arithmetic Four
You can challenge a friend to play this game to practice your arithmetic skills. Be ready because any kind of problem can pop up. You can adjust the problems to make them harder and also to give you less time.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Concentration
Play a matching game with different representations of equivalent items.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Game Wild Jack
This math game is great for practice using all the operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. All you need is a deck of regular playing cards. Just follow the directions and you are in business.
Quia: Addition Facts Matching Doubles
Practice your doubles facts with these interactive games at the Quia website. A fun way to sharpen your number sense and doubling skills.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Arithmetic Four
Students try to connect four game pieces in a row by answering whole number and integer problems. They can choose the difficulty level as well as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Fours
A concentration game for practicing multiplying by four, where a multiplication question must be matched with the correct product.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Fives
A concentration game for practicing multiplying by five, where a multiplication question must be matched with the correct product.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Sixes
A concentration game for practicing multiplying by six, where a multiplication question must be matched with the correct product.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Sevens
A concentration game for practicing the seven times table, where multiplication questions must be matched with the correct products.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Eights
A concentration game for practicing the eight times table, where multiplication questions must be matched with the correct products.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Nines
A concentration game for practicing the nine times table, where multiplication questions must be matched with the correct products.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Tens
A concentration game for practicing the ten times table, where each multiplication question must be matched with its correct product.
Ab Cya: Gobble Squabble
Gobble Squabble is a Thanksgiving activity to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division math facts! Solve math problems and avoid the hungry chefs. Gobble gobble!
Topmarks Online
Topmarks: Hit the Button
Interactive math game provides quick fire questions to test your skills on number bonds, doubling, halving, times tables, division facts and square numbers against the clock.
Ab Cya: Turkey Touchdown
What's more Thanksgiving than turkey and football? What about turkeys playing football? Turkey Touchdown is a great way for kids to celebrate the holiday and practice their math facts. Kids will choose a level of difficulty, and then...
Ab Cya: Math Man + X /
Math Man is an elementary activity to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division math facts. Solve math problems and avoid the ghosts! Fun for children of all ages!
Number Nut: Carrying Like Addition
Use what you already know about addition to master this skill in multiplication. This lesson reviews the concept of carrying in multiplication. Detailed examples are provided along with interactive games to practice the skills learned....
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Dominoes
A set of online dominoes shows you how to work out multiplication problems.
Arcademics: Grand Prix
To advance your race car to the finish line, select on the correct product for the given multiplication problem.
Maths Zone
A huge collection of math online games for all ages. Access different types of math such as: use and apply, count and understand, addition and subtraction number facts, multiplication and division number facts, shapes, measuring, and...
Room Recess
Roomrecess: Cheese Race
Roomrecess: Cheese Race is an online game that the player hurries to answer multiplication questions to get to the cheese.