Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Long Multiplication Calculator
Multiplication of positive or negative whole numbers or decimal numbers as the multiplicand and multiplier to calculate the product using long multiplication. The solution shows the work for the Standard Algorithm.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Design Your Own Bedroom
Many students dream of designing their ideal bedroom. In this exercise, students will be required to limit their designs by size (as a specific volume) and price (a specific amount). They must design the floor plan, including furniture...
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Mixed Number to Percent Calculator
Convert mixed numbers or mixed fractions to percents. The mixed number to percentage calculator finds the decimal equivalent by finding the decimal value of the fraction, adding the decimal to the whole number part of the mixed number,...
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Scientific Notation
Dealing with very small or very large numbers can be tedious. Scientific notation helps simplify the process and this tutorial teaches students scientific notation with multiple examples, practice problems, calculator tips, and two...
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Web Math: General Math
An extraordinary site that will help you with your math homework. Presented in a format that is both easy to understand and educational. Navigate through numerous instant-answer, self-help math solvers to help you figure out your math...