Ministerio De Educacion: Elevar Al Cubo
The result of multiplying a whole number two times by itself is called "cube number". Learn more about it with this interactive activity.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Signs of Expressions Challenge
Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems involving exponents. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Basic Algebra
Interactive lessons are provided for many topics in algebra, including: laws of algebra, powers, roots and radicals, algebraic expressions, equations, and more. Use the links to navigate the tutorial and learn more focused concepts. The...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Scientific Notation Challenge
Practice solving more challenging problems involving scientific notation. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video, or receive hints.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Multiplication and Division of Radicals
This lesson describes how to multiply and divide radicals. Gives good example exercises.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Let's Get Scientific With Numbers!
Using calculators, learners will write and interpret large and small numbers using scientific and calculator notation. This exploration will also help students to develop an understanding of the ways exponents are used in writing and...
Scholastic: Study Jams! Math: Problem Solving: Order of Operations
This site provides great practice on the concept of order of operations. Students can first learn about the topic by watching a step by step instruction video that also points out areas of concern. Finally, students can practice their...
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Math Equation Solver
Solve math problems using order of operations like PEMDAS, BEDMAS and BODMAS. This calculator solves math equations that add, subtract, multiply and divide positive and negative numbers and exponential numbers. You can also include...