Mangahigh: Number: Quick Methods for Multiplication
Multiply whole numbers quickly using different strategies.
SEN Teacher
Sen Teacher: Multiplication Grid
Customize and print out a multiplication grid for use as a classroom handout. You can select grids of 10 or 12 and color or black and white.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Estimations of Products: Lesson 4
This lesson will demonstrate how to make estimations when multiplying integers. It is 4 of 6 in the series titled "Estimations Of Products."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Estimations of Products: Lesson 6
This lesson will demonstrate how to make estimations when multiplying integers. It is 6 of 6 in the series titled "Estimations Of Products."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Estimations of Products: Lesson 1
This lesson will demonstrate how to make estimations when multiplying integers. It is 1 of 6 in the series titled "Estimations Of Products."
Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Mixed Numbers Calculator
Do math calculations with mixed numbers (mixed fractions) performing operations on fractions, whole numbers, integers, mixed numbers, mixed fractions, and improper fractions. This calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed...
Wyzant: Multiplication Practice Worksheet
Simple multiplication problems are provided from WyzAnt for students in this interactive, twenty-question quiz. Students enter their answers and then have the site correct them. Questions contain either two or three terms each and...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dividing Mixed Numbers
In this exercise, students practice dividing mixed numbers. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: Reversing the Inequality Symbol
"Dr. Math" responds to a student inquiry of why it is necessary to reverse the inequality sign when multiplying/dividing by a negative value.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Simple Fractions
This S.O.S. tutorial gives students a basic review of simple fractions. Follow the tutorial to refresh your skills involving simple fraction manipulations. Each section contains problems with links to the answers.
Pbs: Solving Linear Inequalities With Negative Numbers
Solve an inequality that has negative numbers and a variable. This video focuses on using inverse operations to solve for a variable and the importance of flipping the inequality when multiplying or dividing by a negative number.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Solving Inequalities: An Overview
A discussion on how to solve linear and nonlinear inequalities is presented. Both the Test Method and the Factor Method of checking positive/negative intervals are included as part of the discussion.
Lesson Tutor
Lesson Tutor: A Beginning Look at Basic Algebra
Twelve lessons are provided as an introduction to basic algebra. Each covers the topic clearly, providing examples with explanations as well as practice problems and their solutions for the user. Topics highlighted here include: solving...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dividing Negative Numbers Review
Summarizes the rules for dividing with negative numbers, along with examples, and presents three practice questions.