Toby Rush
Music Theory: Secondary Subdominants [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding secondary subdominants. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Augmented Sixth Chords [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding augmented sixth chords. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Borrowed Chords [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding borrowed chords. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Altered Chords [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding altered chords. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Extended Harmonies [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding extended harmonies. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: The Neapolitin Six [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding the neapolitin six. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Beaming [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding beaming its relationship to time signatures. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Suspensions [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding suspensions. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Music Theory
Music Generic Intervals
A description of intervals and how they are used in music. Provides audio clips and illustrated examples to supplement this lesson.
The Basics of Reading Music
This site is an overview of how to read music. The basics of notation such as note and rest values, the names of lines and spaces of both treble and bass clefs, etc. are covered. Includes downloadable audio files.
Music Theory
Music Theory: The Staff, Clefs, and Ledger Lines
Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to move through the statements about musical staffs, clefs, and ledger lines, and see them demonstrated on the lines above the text.
Basic Music Theory: Bar or Measure
This website is extremely valuable in that it describes topics in easy-to-understand language. Relatively easy to follow. Just use the hypertext links.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Music
Here is a great resource offering many free printouts to use with your classes. Worksheets covering musical instruments, music theory and more are available. All of the worksheets have printable answer sheets as well.
Bbc: Music Theory
This resource presents a fun and interactive way to learn all about the elements of music. It offers links to information, definitions, assessments, and examples of melody, harmony and tonality, structure, tempo, metre and rhythm,...
Music Theory
Music Key Trainer
A terrific tool for music teachers and students! Test students' knowledge of key signatures with this online quiz. Click "toggle" to check answers along the way, or click "setting" to customize the quiz.
Music Theory
Music Odd Meter
This site gives a brief definition of an odd meter. Use the arrows at the bottom to navigate. Provides illustrations and a printable chart.
Music Theory
Music Interval Trainer
This online quiz is a fantastic tool to check your knowledge of intervals. Keeps score, and can be customized to fit specific lessons (augmented intervals, diminished intervals, double accidentals.)
Music Theory
Music Dots and Ties
A terrific resource for beginners! Gives examples of dots and ties, and explains how they are used. Simple illustrations and explanations make this animated site easy to follow. By
Music Theory
Music Simple and Compound Meter
Examples of simple and compound meters, as well as explanations of the terms duple, triple, and quadruple. Plenty of illustrations accompany this terrific resource. By
Music Theory
Music Phrases and Cadences
An explanation of phrases and cadences with illustrated examples. Also provides audio clips, and a printable chart at the end of the lesson. By
Music Theory
Music Steps and Accidentals
Provides an explanation of half steps, whole steps, flats, and sharps. Illustrated examples accompany these definitions.
Music Theory
Music Introduction to Chords
A description of augmented and diminished triads/ chords. Provides illustrated examples with highlighted vocabulary words,a printable chart, and audio clips to supplement the lesson.
Toby Rush
Music Theory: Pitch [Pdf]
A music theory worksheet regarding pitch and its relationship to time. Requires Adobe Reader [PDF].
Tb on Web: Alternate Temperaments Theory and Philosophy
Explanation of various keyboard tunings, and why modern Western music uses "equal temperament."
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