Tone Savvy
You will find many free games that will help you develop your music theory knowledge. Learn rhythmic dictation, key signatures and intervals as well as several other topics concerning music theory.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Courses: Guitar Music Theory
A series of 16 video lessons that teach basic guitar theory. Lessons discuss intervals, perfect and diminished notes, and octaves. Videos vary in length.
Music Theory
Music theory.net
This interactive resource provides hands-on lessons in basic music theory and ear training.
Music Theory First Aid for Struggling Students
This site provides music theory information on such topics as rhythm, intervals, scales, chords, etc. Also, there is a fine section which describes the basic concepts of form and structure.
Music Theory
Music theory.net
An online beginning music theory and ear training site. This site is for students to use at home to reinforce what they learn in class.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Phrases and Cadences
An explanation of phrases and cadences with illustrated examples. Also provides audio clips, and a printable chart at the end of the lesson. By MusicTheory.net.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Rest Duration
A wonderful resource for teachers and students! Gives examples and explanations of rests and how they affect the sound of a musical piece. Simple illustrations and explanations make this animated site easy to follow.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Key Signature Calculation
An explanation of key signature calculation for advanced music students. Discusses the use of sharps and flats in music composition, with illustrated examples. (You may need to download Flash player to view this site.)
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Scale Degrees
A thorough explanation of scale degrees and the various names for each note. Provides illustrated examples and audio clips to enhance the lesson. Terrific resource for music students and teachers!
Music Theory
Music theory.com: Introduction to Chords
A description of augmented and diminished triads/ chords. Provides illustrated examples with highlighted vocabulary words,a printable chart, and audio clips to supplement the lesson.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: The Minor Scales
Listen and learn with this explanation of minor scales. Each description of harmonic, melodic, and minor scales provides an illustrated example, and audio clips.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Interval Trainer
This online quiz is a fantastic tool to check your knowledge of intervals. Keeps score, and can be customized to fit specific lessons (augmented intervals, diminished intervals, double accidentals.)
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Keyboard Trainer
A fantastic resource for music teachers and students learning to play the piano. This online quiz can be customized to test students on specific keys. Students can click "Toggle helpers," to check answers along the way.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Generic Intervals
A description of intervals and how they are used in music. Provides audio clips and illustrated examples to supplement this lesson.
Music Theory
Music Theory: The Staff, Clefs, and Ledger Lines
Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to move through the statements about musical staffs, clefs, and ledger lines, and see them demonstrated on the lines above the text.
Lesson Tutor
Lesson Tutor: Music and Music History
A nice resource covering many basic music theory topics. Several of the topics include printable handouts.
Music Lessons : Basic Music Theory 1
Basic music theory course includes clefs, treble and bass staffs, note duration and rests, a quiz section and answers, a download to Bay and a link to Music Notation 2. Good source for beginner theory students
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Odd Meter
This site gives a brief definition of an odd meter. Use the arrows at the bottom to navigate. Provides illustrations and a printable chart.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Dots and Ties
A terrific resource for beginners! Gives examples of dots and ties, and explains how they are used. Simple illustrations and explanations make this animated site easy to follow. By MusicTheory.net.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Simple and Compound Meter
Examples of simple and compound meters, as well as explanations of the terms duple, triple, and quadruple. Plenty of illustrations accompany this terrific resource. By MusicTheory.net.
Music Theory
Music theory.net: Steps and Accidentals
Provides an explanation of half steps, whole steps, flats, and sharps. Illustrated examples accompany these definitions.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Group Theory 101: How to Play a Rubik's Cube Like a Piano
Mathematics explains the workings of the universe, from particle physics to engineering and economics. Math is even closely related to music, and their common ground has something to do with a Rubik's Cube puzzle. Michael Staff explains...
The complete saxophone resource. Students are guided through lessons. Also, a wealth of information about the saxophone.
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Dallas Symphony Orchestra Kids: Teachers Lounge
Although this is considered a teachers lounge, it has many activities for students too. Teachers will love this because there are many lesson plans as well as other activities to do with their students.