Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Short Adventure Stories
Inspired by the interactive plot ideas here, writers will create an original three-paragraph adventure story. First, each writer will create an original adventurer. Next, each writer will place the adventurer in a brief, organized...
Pbs Teachers: Story Writing With Arthur
This series of 12 downloadable activities teach students some basics of story writing, using books or videos from the PBS "Arthur" series as a springboard. Activities include creating story maps, asking questions about characters and...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Teaching: Prewriting and Planning Personal Narratives
This lesson focuses on prewriting and planning a personal narrative. The information can be used in all types of writing. It discusses brainstorming ideas, narrowing the focus, and developing the central idea. W.9-10.5 Writing Process,...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: How to Write a Personal Narrative (English 7 Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will learn how to write an essay that has only one purpose: to tell a story about you. It's called a personal narrative, personal because it is all about...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing: How to Write a Personal Narrative
A learning module that teaches students how to write a personal narrative with five mini-lessons: Introduction, Consider a Slice of Your Life, FOCUS!, Develop Your Central Idea, and Wrap Up and Springboard to Writing.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write a Personal Narrative
A learning module that teaches students how to write a personal narrative in six lessons: Introduction, Focusing on Your Topic, Narrowing Your Focus, Developing Your Central Idea-The Nitty Gritty, Writing Your Narrative, and Your Turn.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing a Short Story With Well Developed Conflict and Resolution
A learning module that teaches students about writing a short story in six mini-lessons: Introduction, Understanding the Essence, Getting an Idea, Structuring Plot, Building Conflict, and Outlining Your Own Story.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Organizing a Story With Purposeful Paragraphs
In this lesson, students organize and design a narrative based on three developing ideas.
Literacy Head
Literacyhead: Images to Give Writers Ideas: Testing
Let students write in response to these narrative images. You can also engage them in discussions about what is interesting in each picture or how the characters feel.
Read Write Think: Narrative Pyramid
A printable narrative pyramid where students can record information about a story including the character, setting, problem, main events, and solution. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Lesson Plans on Writing Short Stories
This lesson focuses on teacher preparation of lesson plans before attempting to teach students to write short stories. It includes questions to ask yourself, ideas for activities, and a sample lesson plan.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Narrative Paragraphs
Students learn to use a one-main idea Think-sheet for producing a narrative paragraph. [Requires Adobe Reader.]
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Giving Voice to Opposites
In this lesson, students will develop a narrative in opposing voices.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: An Onomatopoetic Field Trip
In this lesson, learners will develop a story incorporating onomatopoeia and strong word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Alliterative Insects
In this lesson students develop a story about an insect while utilizing previously written sentences with strong word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Literature Inspired Writing Lesson: I Never Knew That!
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem discover that their seemingly "feeble" father has an astonishing ability with a rifle. For this assignment, writers will compose a letter to a parent or loved one, asking for a return letter that...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unique Metaphor Collections
In this lesson, the first chapter of the novel Girl with a Pearl Earring is used as a mentor text. Students will identify metaphors and then create their own unique metaphorical descriptions that they will begin to collect in their...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Scheming Against an Adversary
Enemy Pie by Derek Munson makes readers think seriously about this question: "What if I had to spend an entire day with someone with whom I had a conflict?" This question presents young writers with a great launching pad for developing...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Narrative Grading Rubric [Pdf]
This site provides four versions of rubrics for narrative writing. The rubrics provide the following assessment categories: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, fluency, conventions. A 6-point rubric, a 5-point rubric, a 4-point...
Huntington Library
Huntington Library: The Literature of Upheaval [Pdf]
In this instructional activity, 8th graders read excerpts from Henry David Thoreau, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Beecher Stowe and discuss the impact their ideas about society and slavery had when their books were published. They then...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Suggestions for Writing Memoirs: Memoirs Inspired by Whimpy Diary
After reading journal entries from The Diary of a Whimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney, students brainstorm and share their own ideas with a partner. Once they have a few ideas, they choose one idea to transform into a narrative writing. The...
Teach Engineering: Metamorphosis Stories of Change
The goal of this activity is for students to learn how to tell a story in order to make a complex topic (such as global warming or ozone holes) easier for a reader to grasp. Students realize that the narrative impulse underlies even...
Pbs Learning Media: The Common Application for Undergraduate College Admission
SCU uses StoryCorps' tested interviewing techniques-combined with outstanding radio broadcasts and animated shorts-to support high school students in the development of identity and in drawing connections between their unique strengths...
Childdrama: Creative Drama Lesson Plans
Many lesson plans with ideas for teachers and students, sorted by age and by type! Wonderful for thematic approaches.