Edutopia: Anti Social Media: Spirit Day: Educators and Parents: Cyberbullying
Learn how educators and parents join together on Spirit Day to prevent online bullying of LGBT youth.
Pbs Kids: Get Your Web License
Take a virtual tour around the Internet. Each stop has a quiz question. Earn the Web License by completing the quiz.
NC State University
North Carolina State University: Ethics in Computing: Speech Issues
Curated collection of links to articles, essays, and related topics on responsible use of the Internet and information technologies with respect to speech and online hate compiled and maintained by a university instructor.
Personal Site: One to One Communication
This personal site provides users with essential information on developing personal communication skills through mail and talk.
Grassroots Consulting: Avoiding the Dark Side of Email
This thoughtful essay argues the dangers of miscommunication in e-mail and how to properly convey your message.
Wise Kids: Online Safety Tips for Kids
A good list of rules to govern your Internet use, with explanations for each. It also includes an Internet Safety Agreement that covers the same rules and that teachers or parents can print out and ask students to sign.
Digizen: Cyberbullying: Let's Fight It Together
Video tells the story of a young teenager who is subjected to cyberbullying-repeated hostile, harmful, and harassing attacks directed at individuals though technological means (Internet, mobile phones, social networking sites)....
Learn the Net: Internet Lesson Plans for Teachers
This resource provides lesson plans for teachers.
Ab Cya: Cyber Five
Cyber-Five is a short animation which introduces children to five helpful rules to be safer on the internet. Join Hippo and Hedgehog as they introduce and review the five rules. There is a multiple choice quiz at the end of the animation...
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Build Your Ideal Community: Grades 6 8
Students will consider the characteristics of positive online communities that promote responsibility and respect. Requires free membership.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: My Creative Work (K 2)
Students learn the basics - title, name, and date - for crediting creative work. They discuss the importance of citing work, as well as recognizing that they should give themselves proper credit so that others can attribute their work...
Get Safe Online
Get Safe Online: Use a Firewall
Firewall software forms the first line of defense against hackers and certain types of computer viruses. This site explains what a firewall can do to help secure a computer and what it cannot do. The site also discusses different types...
Learn My Way
Learn My Way: Using a Computer
In this online course students will learn about the basic functions and different parts of a computer and how to use one safely. Cs Fundamentals: Course C
Create programs with sequencing, loops, and events. Translate your initials into binary, investigate different problem-solving techniques, and learn how to respond to cyberbullying. At the end of the course, create your very own game or...
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Curated Lives
Social media gives us a chance to choose how we present ourselves to the world. We can snap and share a pic in the moment or carefully stage photos and select only the ones we think are best. When learners reflect on these choices, they...
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Lesson: Putting a Stop to Online Meanness
[Free Registration/Login Required] The internet is filled with all kinds of interesting people, but sometimes, some of them can be mean to each other. With this role play, help your students understand why it's often easier to be mean...
Kings Canyon Unified School District: Copyright and Plagiarism [Pdf]
This lesson teaches second-grade students about the differences between copyright, plagiarism, cheating, and stealing and the importance of respecting guidelines around them.
Childnet International: Digizen: Social Networking
Most students participate in social networking applications such as Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter. This site presents the benefits and risks of using social networking tools in education. The site also presents examples of successful...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Cybersecurity and Economics: Protecting Your Identity Online
Help learners answe the esential question, "What should you do before you share information on the Internet?"
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Teaching Copyright: Copy Quiz
A true and false quiz about copyright laws. An explanation is given for each answer.
Bbc Newsround: Tips for Good Passwords
This article presents common mistakes for creating insecure passwords and provides advice on creating strong passwords.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Net Smartz Kids: The Boy Who Loved Im
Clicky tells the story of a boy who loves to IM his friends. What should he do when he receives a message from someone he doesn't know? [1:59]
B4 U Surf: Cyber Safety Glossary
The Cyber Safety Glossary provides useful information to educate you about illegal, fraudulent schemes and how to avoid them. Cs Fundamentals: Course B
Learn the basics of computer science and internet safety. At the end of the course, create your very own game or story you can share.