Norton Life Lock
Digital Citizenship Bingo
Bingo! Tweens demonstrate their knowledge of the nine D's of digital citizenship by playing the game of Bingo. As instructors call out questions, individuals search their game cards to locate the answering image on their card.
Common Sense Media
All Digital Citizens Poster
What do digital citizens do? Make sure your kids are using their heads, hearts, guts, and even their feet to be excellent digital citizens! The poster includes an image of a child with certain body parts highlighted. These body parts are...
Common Sense Media
Digital Citizenship Pledge Poster
How can your class members show their dedication to digital citizenship? Have them read, add to, and sign this poster. Among several speech bubbles filled in with ways to be an excellent digital citizen are two blank bubbles that you can...
Norton Life Lock
The Nine Ds of Digital Citizenship
A reference page identifies the nine Ds of digital citizenship—digital access, etiquette, commerce, responsibilities, literacy, law, communication, security, health, and wellness.
Common Sense Media
Digital Compass
Time to make some real world decisions in an interactive digital citizenship game. Choose a story and help the characters make the right decisions regarding Internet safety, cyberbullying, copyright, media literacy, appropriate online...
Overcoming Obstacles
Good Citizenship
An individual's background and experiences affect their worldview and interaction. For this lesson, scholars draw a pair of glasses with pictures of experiences they've been through, relate the responsibility to social media and the...
Curated Video
Policy - The Community Guidelines
Following a site's community guidelines is just one step toward being an excellent digital citizen. After a brief introductory video, small groups come up with their own community guidelines and present their ideas to come up with a...
Teaching Tolerance
Participating in Digital Communities
It's possible to promote inclusion and empathy on the Internet—it just takes effort! Scholars read and discuss a short story about being a friend online. Then, pupils role-play appropriate ways to respond to hate within a digital...
Teaching Tolerance
Constructively Engaging in Digital Communities
Say no to hate speech! Pupils discover the importance of practicing empathy and inclusivity in digital communities and discuss strategies for responding to online hate speech. Then, small groups develop and present class guidelines for...
Curated Video
Online Reputation and Cyber-bullying
Combat cyberbullying with information. During this plan, learners watch a couple of videos, consider online behavior scenarios, brainstorm long- and short-term consequences, and discuss how to react to bullying in order to build up to...
Curated Video
Privacy Part 2
Why is online privacy so important? Explore privacy with a group assignment for which pupils create word clouds with words they associate with privacy. A discussion and online activity follow. Learners will read articles, explore the...
Curated Video
Detecting Lies & Harmful Links
Who and what can you trust online? How do you know? After viewing a pair of introductory videos on positive and safe online conduct, learners discuss the content and put it into practice during an online search activity about alien...
Curated Video
What Makes YouTube Unique
Start off a unit on YouTube with an introduction to the service and all that it offers. Learners watch various video clips before participating in a brief discussion about YouTube. The plan includes an activity based around...
Curated Video
Reporting - Safety and Abuse Tool
Keep your charges safe online with instruction on how to report problems on YouTube. After providing learners with information on the Safety and Abuse Tool, demonstrate how to use the tool and discuss the feature. In groups, learners...
Curated Video
Reporting - Flagging
While it may feel like you can post just about anything on YouTube, that's not the case. Teach your class about flagging inappropriate content. Learners watch a demonstration, practice flagging, and answer questions about online content.
Common Sense Media
My Online Code
Approach ethical online behavior with a series of activities geared toward teaching pupils about digital citizenship. After a brief discussion about ethics, small groups inspect a fictional social networking profile with ethics in mind....
Anti-Defamation League
Building a Foundation for Safe and Kind Online Communication
Put a spotlight on internet safety with a lesson designed to boost positive online communication. Scholars listen to the story, Yettele's Feathers by Joan Rothenberg, and answer questions. An emoji-themed handout challenges pupils...
Facing History and Ourselves
Citizen Watchdogs and the News
To conclude their case study of media coverage of the shooting of Michael Brown by a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer, class members consider the role of citizen watchdogs in a democratic society, develop strategies for combating...
Teaching Tolerance
Civic Engagement and Communication as Digital Community Members
Don't feed the Internet trolls! Using a thought-provoking resource, pupils brainstorm a whole-class list of the possible kinds of bias young people may experience online. Next, in small groups, scholars create posters illustrating how to...
Curated Video
Safety Mode
Teach your YouTube users how to protect themselves from offensive content with a mini lesson on Safety Mode. The teacher presents information about Safety Mode, and then demonstrates how it can be turned on and off. Learners...
Northwest Career & Technical Academy Foundation
Stand Up. . . Be InCtrl!
What is the difference between a bystander and an upstander? A collaborative project created through digital media helps the class understand that they can participate in an online community respectfully and responsibly. They consider...
Common Sense Media
Which Me Should I Be?
Impress upon learners the importance of considering how we identify ourselves online, and how this relates to overall considerations of safety and digital wellness.
Respect and Boundaries
Respect is a must-have in healthy relationships! Pupils explore their boundaries and identify the elements of respect during a lesson from a library of digital citizenship activities. The teacher's resource section contains a printable...
Nemours KidsHealth
Online Safety: Grades 9-12
Teach teens how to protect themselves from hackers, scammers, and online predators. First, class members examine their own digital footprints think critically about their online profile. Groups then generate lists of "do" and "don't do"...