Black Holes and Neutron Stars
Contains information about black holes and neutron stars: how they form, what they're like, and how we know they are there.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Stars
In this interactive module students will explore the life cycle of stars and how they produce energy.
University of California
University of California:center for Astrophysics & Space
Supernovae, neutron stars, and pulsars are topics on this page. Extensive section on pulsars that presents information on their discovery, characteristics, evolution, and location.
University of Utah
University of Utah: Aspire: Life Cycle of a Star
Experience this impressive interactive website about the life cycle of a star.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Astronomy: Frequently Asked Questions
Definintions for pulsars, millisecond pulsars, the evolution of pulsars, neutron stars and "Black Widows." Features related links.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: The Life Cycle of a Star
This lesson focuses on the formation and life cycle of stars. Stars form when enough dust and gas clump together because of gravitational forces. Nuclear reactions release energy to keep the star hot. Some stars grow larger over time....
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: "Twinkle, Twinkle (Really Fast!), Little Star"
"The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer has discovered neutron stars that emit streams of X-rays pulsing over 1,000 times a second." Visit this site to read the rest of this article. Site offers additional resources as well as a Teacher's Corner.
Curated OER
Science Kids: Science Images: Neutron Star
A Hubble Space Telescope photo of a rapidly spinning neutron star, also known as a pulsar.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: X Ray Binary Stars
Site provides a brief introduction to binary stars. Additional resources for students and teachers on this topic are offered as well as related topics.
American Institute Physics: Quark Stars
Collapsed stars, between white dwarfs and black holes, can be studied as quark-gluon masses, or quark-hyperon groups. Extreme pressures lead to extreme states.
Pbs Learning Media: Birth of a Supernova, Type Ii
In this interactive activity from NOVA Online, learn about a type of exploding star a Type II supernova that is so large it has a mass 10 times greater than the mass of our Sun.
Scientists Say Star Collision Caused Dinosaur Extinction
"Israeli scientists have a new theory on why the dinosaurs became extinct: cosmic radiation that bombarded the Earth following the collision of two neutron stars." This article discusses the details of the theory.
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics: A Tutorial on Radio Pulsars
A extensive site that describes the history of the discovery of pulsars along with definitions, characteristics, locations, and distances of pulsars, plus much more.
Nasa: Heasarc: What Are Pulsars?
A detailed definition of a pulsar with an explanation of the relationship of pulsars to X-ray astronomy and links to related resources.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Welcome to the World of X Ray Astronomy
Site recounts how X-rays were discovered as well as who discovered them. Offers graphics, links to facts on this topic, a quiz, and teacher resources.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: "Burst Behind the Sun"
Site provides the article, "Burst Behind the Sun Reveals Magnetic Charm of Distant Explosion," that details on a gamma-ray burst that occurred on December 6, 2002. Provides graphics and links to learn more about gamma-ray bursts.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: How the Strength of a Magnet Varies With Temperature
Physicists sometimes study matter under extreme conditions. For example, think of the emptiness of interstellar space vs. the unimaginable crush of pressure at the center of a neutron star, or an object dipped in liquid nitrogen vs. the...
The Black Hole Encyclopedia
Explore an interactive encyclopedia of known and suspected black holes and find out how they are formed. Includes a glossary of terms, movie files and links to black holes in popular movies and books.
Pbs Learning Media: Pulsars: Little Green Men
The story behind Jocelyn Bell's role in the discovery of pulsars is told in this colorful, comic-book-style resource from A Science Odyssey Web site.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Crab Nebula and Geminga in Gamma Rays
Explains that pulsars would be the brightest objects in the sky if we could see gamma-rays.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Black Holes
Learn what black holes are and the myths that surround them.
Wikipedia: The Black Hole
This site examines the black hole as an object in astrophysics. Delve into this comprehensive resource that covers this concept from its history, to qualitative physics, the reality of black holes, mathematical physics and more.
Sonoma State University
The Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope (Glast)
Background information on gamma rays and the sources of gamma rays in the universe. Discusses the purpose of the GLAST space mission and the types of findings which they wish to make. A link to the GLAST movie provides an excellent...
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Pulsars
Resource explores what a pulsar is, as well as what is currently known about this phenomenon. Content includes a focus on x-ray observations of pulsars, and gamma-ray pulsars.