Ducksters: Biography for Kids: Scientist: Isaac Newton
Investigate Isaac Newton's biography on this site. Learn how he was a scientist who discovered gravity, the three laws of motion, and calculus. He is considered one of the great scientists in history.
Wikibooks: Physics Study Guide
A handy resource that gives an overview of equations and definitions pertinent to an introductory, college-level physics course, with two of its three sections focusing on motion-related topics and principles.
Michigan Reach Out
Nasa: Soda Pop Can Hero Engine
Students explore all three parts of Newton's Laws of Motion by observing a spinning pop can.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Physics 240: Science and Engineering I
A collection of video lectures from a physics for science and engineering course taught at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. The course discusses the concepts of mechanics, wave motion, sound, heat and thermodynamics in thirty-five...
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Circular and Satellite Motion: The Inverse Square Law
Through illustrated examples and interactive practice, students explore Newton's ability to relate the cause for heavenly motion (the orbit of the moon about the earth) to the cause for Earthly motion (the falling of an apple to the...
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Forces and Motion: Acceleration
A video and a short quiz on acceleration.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Practice Problems: Motion on Incline Level 3
Students must calculate the speed of a block when it returns to its original location on an incline using Newton's Laws. Mass, angle, gravitational field, coefficient of friction and initial speed will be generated randomly.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Physics Quizzes: Force, Mass Acceleration
Assess your understanding of force, mass and acceleration and the relationship amongst the three with this interactive multiple choice quiz. Immediate feedback is offered.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Colliding Cars
Try to predict what will happen in three different bumper car collisions. For each collision, you'll be shown two possible outcomes.
Science4 Fun: Force
What is force? Illustrated discussion of how force is calculated and three familiar types.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: If Superpowers Were Real: Flight
Is it scientifically possible to fly? In this series, creator Joy Lin tackles six superpowers and reveals just how scientifically realistic they can be to us mere mortals. [5:11]
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Vectors: Forces in Two Dimensions:equilibrium and Statics
Through examples and practice problems, this interactive tutorial helps students understand forces that are in a state of equilibrium with a net force of zero.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physics Simulation: Walk the Tightrope
[Free Registration/Login Required] Understand the concept of rotational inertia [moment of inertia) by analyzing the motion of a circus tightrope walker using this interactive simulation. A PDF worksheet and a video tutorial are also...
Walter Fendt
Walter Fendt: Apps Zur Physik
This site, in German, offers numerous apps that illustrate common physics principles. Apps are organized into categories: mechanics, oscillations and waves, electrodynamics, optics, thermodynamics, the theory of relativity, physics of...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Football Physics: The "Impossible" Free Kick
Learn about the Magnus Effect, a phenomenon discovered by Isaac Newton. Brazilian football player Roberto Carlos used it to score a seemingly impossible goal in a game of football in 1997. Includes a video, multiple-choice and open-ended...
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Vectors: Forces in Two Dimensions: Addition of Forces
In this tutorial, examine the effect of forces acting at angles to the horizontal, such that the force has an influence in two dimensions- horizontally and vertically.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: A Brief History of Astronomy
In this interactive module students will explore what different ancient cultures believe was an explanation of the stars and planets. They will look at how the work of Nicolas Copernicus revolutionize the world of astronomy and learn how...
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Fundamentals of Physics
A collection of video lectures from a fundamentals of physics course taught at Yale University. The course is an introduction to physics and discusses Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, gravity, thermodynamics, and waves. Course...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Using Cbr in Egg Drop Competition
Egg drop competition is a popular activity to reinforce the lessons in force and motion. In the activity, the students are asked to design a vehicle to carry the egg safely when dropped from a height of 10 feet (about 3 m) or more....
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Vectors: Double Trouble in 2 Dimensions
In this interactive tutorial, analyze two-body problems in which the objects are moving in different directions.
Teach Engineering: Car Collision Testing & Tradeoffs: Don't Crack Humpty
Student groups are provided with a generic car base on which to design a device/enclosure to protect an egg as it rolls down a ramp at increasing slopes. During this activity, student teams design, build and test their prototype...