Cbs News: The Divided Koreas
Information about the separation of North and South Korea. Provides a timeline of the tensions between the Koreas and information about the economy, people, and resources of each country.
New York Times
New York Times: South Korea News
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site provides a concise overview of the history of South Korea in addition to links to news articles concerning the country that date back to 1980.
Pbs News Hour: Why Is North Korea Going It Alone?
Traces the divide between North and South Korea and the results of them taking different paths. Students will discuss the tensions between the two countries and concerns from other countries about North Korea's nuclear weapons. Provides...
Bbc: South Korea's Reconciliation Gamble
A May 2007 examination of the South Korea's on going efforts to develop better relations with North Korea with generous aid packages and international criticism of these efforts. (17 May 2007)
Bbc News: North Korea 'Severs All Ties' With Seoul
An announcement by North Korea of its intention to cut all relations with South Korea. What caused this action? What are the ramifications? How has South Korea reacted? Links to related sites and videos are included.(25 May 2010)
University of Texas at Austin
Perry Castaneda Library Map Collection: Korea Maps
The Perry-Castaneda Library at the University of Texas provides an outstanding collection of maps of the country of both North and South Korea. Also links to maps from other online sources. PDF's (require Adobe Reader).
Migration Policy Institute
Migration Policy Institute: South Korea: Balancing Labor Demand With Strict Control
This article examines South Korea's changing labor force, as their economy is growing and many refugees from North Korea look to earn a living. (Date of Article: Dec. 2004)
Center for Educational Technologies
Nasa Classroom of the Future: Korean Enigma: Korea Divided
Explores the historical events that took place between the United States and the USSR to bring about the political division of Korea on the 38th parallel into north and south after the end of World War II.
The History Cat
The History Cat: Geography: People: A Tale of Two Koreas
Compares what life is like in North Korea to life in South Korea.
Read Works
Read Works: Nothing Left to Lose
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read about two boys who escaped from North Korea to live in South Korea. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in comparing and contrasting.
Council of Foreign Relations
Council on Foreign Relations: How to Handle North Korea
A review of the sinking of a South Korean ship by North Korea, & the actions of retribution taken so far. The final discussion revolves around the critical importance that China plays in this, and the influence it can lever either...
Read Works
Read Works: A Chance for Freedom
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about a family spent a year fleeing from North Korea to South Korea. . A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
US Navy
Naval History and Heritage: History of Naval Operations, Korea
The official Navy history on the role of the United States Navy in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. First published in 1962.
A&E Television What Caused the Korean War and Why Did the Us Get Involved?
The Korean War (1950-1953) was the first military action of the Cold War. It was sparked by the June 25, 1950 invasion of South Korea by 75,000 members of the North Korean People's Army. The line they crossed, the 38th parallel, was...
Pbs: Korea History
Ancient history of Korea is explained here at this site from PBS. Country relationships between China and Japan and included.
US Army Center
U.s. Army Center of Military History: Korea, Case History of a Pawn
This site from the U.S. Army Center of Military History provides information on Japan's control of Korea, the subsequent change of control to the United States following World War II, and the USSR's involvement.
Wikipedia: Korean War
This encyclopedia article from Wikipedia provides a thorough discussion of the Korean War, the 1950s conflict between communist North Korea and anti-communist South Korea.
History of American Wars
History of American Wars: Korean War Facts 1950 1953
Explore the history of the Korean War. Discover how the events unfolded in North and South Korea as the United Nations, with assistance from the United States, came to the aid of South Korea and China, with assistance from the Soviet...
About Korea: Geography and People
Read about the geography of the peninsula which holds both North and South Korea. Find out the importance the rivers play in the economy and culture of the country.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: On American Intervention in Korea, 1950
The Modern History Sourcebook offers a very interesting primary source that presents the Soviet position of the beginning of the Korean War. A great resource for comparing US/USSR claims about the origins of the Korean War.
Pbs Learning Media: One Party
This video segment from Wide Angle describes the communist Workers' Party of Korea, the ruling party of North Korea.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: The Nobel Peace Prize 2000
This Nobel E-Museum website on the winner of the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize, "Kim Dae-jung," is organized into the following sections: "Press Release," "Presentation Speech," "Biography," "Nobel Lecture," "Video," and "Nobel Diploma." Read...
Scholastic: New York Times Upfront: Rising Son
Kim Jong Un is the son of Kim Jong Il and the heir apparent of North Korea. What obstacles will he face? Here is an article that takes a look at the situation between North and South Korea as they face the future. December, 2010
Pbs News Hour: President Kim Dae Jung
This site provides a transcript from an interview with South Korean President Kim Dae Jung. Mainly discusses relations with North Korea.