Orthonet Quick Look Up to Check Orthography
Type in a noun or verb (infinitive only), and site quickly returns info and usage examples. Not a dictionary - provides sample phrases, notes on past participle agreement etc.
The Tongue Untied
The Tongue Untied: Gerund Phrases
The Tongue Untied is a guide to grammar, punctuation, and style for journalists, but it has great information on the gerund phrase. The site provides numerous examples along with information on usage and tips for recognizing gerund phrases.
Quia: Grammar Mingling at a Party Activity
This website presents a series of conversations where each sentence has a grammar usage drop down menu. You pick the correct word for that sentence. If you are incorrect you are given a second chance to correct your mistake!
Kryss Tal: Grammar: Introduction to Grammar
This site provides a very good overview of grammar components. Grammar examples and links are provided.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Distinguish Between "Effect" and "Affect"
"Effect" and "affect" are tricky words to keep straight. Each can be used as a noun or a verb, depending on the meaning of the sentence. This tutorial gives clear examples and explanations on the use of these two words. A brief quiz...
Towson University
Towson University: Online Writing Support: Parts of Speech
This entry provides links to information about the correct usage of various parts of speech, complete with examples.