Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Comission
Explore Pa History: Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island
Examine the events surrounding and impact following what was called, "the worst" nuclear accident in Unites States history.
Crescent Public Schools
Cresecent Public Schools: Nuclear Chemistry
This high school level lesson on Nuclear Chemistry asks students to read the text, link to other resources, interpret graphs and examples, and complete a provided homework assignment.
University of Utah
University of Utah: Genetic Science Learning Center: What Causes Dna Mutations
Provides a great overview of DNA damage from agents such as ultraviolet light, nuclear radiation, and certain chemicals. Includes DNA strand drawings.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Physical Science: Nuclear Chemistry
A complete learning module with interactive activities as well as informational text to help students distinguish the characteristics and components of radioactivity.
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: The Discovery of Radioactivity: Dawn of the Nuclear Age
This article discusses the historical discoveries of the atom and radioactivity. Includes links to biographies of famous people.
The Guardian
Guardian: Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Radiation at Highest Level Since Meltdown
The Japanese nuclear plant has to begin a lengthy decommissioning project. Concerns are growing over the radiation levels that have been rising since the plant's meltdown after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
World Nuclear Association: Radiation and Life
This article presents illustrations and a general discussion about radiation.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Radiation / Half Life
The students will evaluate their personal radiation dose. They will develop an understanding of the term radiation and how it relates to everyday life. The will simulate how radioactive material decays and apply the term half-life....
Frontline: Three Mile Island: The Judge's Ruling
The background behind the nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island, and information about the lawsuit filed many years later by those affected by the nuclear accident.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Niels Bohr Biographical
The Nobel Foundation provides this site about Niels Bohr's contributions to the world of physics, specifically his "investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them." This biography includes information on...
World Nuclear Association: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Subsequent Weapons Testing
This article has information about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Additional information about the measures that have been taken about atomic warfare and testing since the bombings included.
Upper Canada District School Board
Tom Stretton's Advanced Placement Chemistry: Nuclear Chemistry
This online textbook chapter provides learners with advanced-level material on acids and bases.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab: Nuclear Reactor Accidents
Read about the nuclear reactor accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and learn about their serious impacts.
Atomic Archive
Nuclear Fusion: The Hydrogen Bomb
From the Atomic Archive - the online companion to the award-winning CD-ROM. This page (and the couple that follow from it) describe the use of fusion reactions in a hydrogen bomb. A schematic diagram of an H-bomb is given and discussed....
MadSci Network
Msn: What Are the Effects of a Hydrogen Bomb?
From the Mad Scientist Network web site. Using a question and answer format, this page describes some potential effects of a nuclear explosion. The possibilities of tidal waves, earthquakes and radiation-related damages are discussed.
Boise State University
Boise State: Nuclear Chemistry and Radiation: Types of Radioactive Decay
This article with embedded videos provides information about three main types of radioactive decay: alpha, beta, and gamma.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Forties: War and Peace
Describes the design of the first nuclear reactor by Enrico Fermi and his successful development of a self-ustaining nuclear chain reaction. Describes the evolution of the Manhattan Project and their race to develop the first atomic...
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Quake Leaves Destruction, Fear
Discusses the triple disaster that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, with first an earthquake, then a tsunami, followed by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Explains some of the basic science behind nuclear fission.
NPR: National Public Radio
Npr: Looking Back on Three Mile Island
NPR provides us with a slide show of information on the Three Mile Island crisis, the site of the worst nuclear plant emergency in American history.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab: Nuclear Medicine: Cancer Therapy
Use this site to learn how gamma rays and other forms of treatment are used to destroy cancer cells.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Radiation Treatment
X-rays, gamma rays and beta particles are all used in medicine to treat internal organs. X-rays are produced by firing electrons at a metal target and gamma rays are emitted by the nucleus of radioactive atoms. Gamma rays are used to...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fission and Fusion
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students will investigate fission and fusion, and discover how they play a part in nuclear chain reactions in fission bombs, nuclear power plants, and radiation in...
Explore the Ready website for an overview of how families and businesses can prepare for emergencies, threats, and disasters by building kits, making plans, and staying informed. Find safety information about biological threats,...
Teach Engineering: Using Heat From the Sun
In this lesson, students will first discuss where energy comes from, including sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear, and such renewable technologies as solar. After this initial exploration, students will investigate the three main...