Wikipedia: Centrifuge
Wikipedia provides detailed information and history on centrifuges in scientific research and industry, including its importance in making nuclear weapons.
Central Intelligence Agency
Cia: At Cold War's End: Us Intelligence on the Soviet Union, 1989 1991
The CIA offers a collection of declassified documents that are Adobe PDF files and can be downloaded regarding the Soviet Union and from US Intelligence in the years 1989-1991. Also contains an introduction and complete overview of this...
Other Chronology on Decision to Bomb
This detailed chronology of the events and communication of 1945-1946 shows Truman's role in the process of the decision to drop the world's first atomic bomb used in warfare upon Hiroshima and then the second upon Nagasaki. Also...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Atomic Fears and the Arms Race
Looks at the nuclear arms race in the 1950s as the United States and the USSR both stockpiled nuclear weapons. Includes 1951 propaganda video showing schoolchildren how to 'Duck and Cover' in the event of a nuclear attack. [9:15]
Wikipedia: Mutual Assured Destruction
A complete description of the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction. Explains what the concept means, and how the concept was used during the Cold War and up to the George W. Bush Administration. Includes links to terms that may require...
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Foreign and Domestic Entanglements
Read about the many facets of Ronald Reagan's foreign policy during his presidency. Find out about support for anti-Communist fighters, detente with the USSR, and the Iran-Contra scandal.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Kennedy's Global Challenge
The Cold War was still being waged during John Kennedy's administration. Read about the challenges he faced in Europe, Latin America, and, most ominously, in Cuba.
Ohio State University
Osu History Teaching Institute: The Manhattan Project
Learners will discuss the role of technology of the atomic bomb and explore the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima during WWII. Students will then outline some of the social and political changes that resulted from the Manhattan Project.
Bbc News: North Korea Secretive State
A collection of in-depth reports all highlighting updated news on the country of North Korea. Discussions include nuclear testing, economic problems, history, and the people.
Outrider: Nuclear History: World War Ii
A timeline with primary source documents and photos of the invention and use of the atomic bomb during World War II. Links to additional information and videos are also provided.
Pbs: Splitting the Atom
This site offers a brief history of the discovery and application of atomic and nuclear energy - both military and peaceful. It follows the spread of nuclear development among the major world players of the 20th century. Great site for...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Timeline of Electricity and Magnetism: 1940 1959
Defense-related research leads to the computer, the world enters the atomic age and TV conquers America.
Ducksters: The Cold War for Kids: Arms Race
Kids learn about the history of the Arms Race during the Cold War. The United States and the Soviet Union building nuclear weapons stockpiles.
Siteseen: American Historama: The Atomic Bomb
Provides interesting information, history, and facts on the Atomic Bomb and its use during WWII.
Other Who Built the H Bomb? Debate Revives
This article from "The New York Times" at recounts the ongoing debate about the first hydrgen bomb and who truly should be credited with its development.
Other Truman and the Atom Bomb
Read background information about Harry Truman and the development of the atomic bomb prior to his presidency. Includes excerpts from official documents and conversations during the Truman Administration.
Other The Triad Doctrine
Summarizes the policy of assured destruction under the three-prong strategy known as the Triad Doctrine.
Oregon State University
Oregon State University: Radioactive Materials: Mining the Atom
Online exhibit from Oregon State University on radioactive materials.
Nfa: A Fight to the Finish; u.s. And Japan
These scripts (the first of two drafts) describe the events in World War II in the Pacific Theater.
Other Oppenheimer Affair
This site from allows you to read about Robert J. Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan Project, as head of the Atomic Energy Commission and then his dismissal as a "security threat" to the U.S. government during the era...