Canadian Wildlife Federation
Hinterland Who's Who: Oil Pollution and Birds
Oil can be deadly for a bird. Even a tiny amount, the size of a quarter, could be enough to kill a bird. Learn how oil harms birds and what birds are most at risk. Then, take a look at how oil spills happen and just what can be done....
Pbs Learning Media: What Happens When an Oil Spill Occurs?
This interactive activity from McDougal Littell/TERC visualizes the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, factors that influence oil spill behavior and impact, and techniques used to contain and clean up oil spills at sea.
Teach Engineering: Oil Spill Cleanup
This hands-on experiment will provide students with an understanding of the issues that surround environmental cleanup. Students will create their own oil spill, try different methods for cleaning it up, and then discuss the merits of...
Science Daily
Science Daily: Caution Required for Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up
A bioremediation expert cautions against the concentration of detergents and other chemicals used to clean up oil spills. The clean-up can be a nightmare of its own when toxic agents are used.
Australian Maritime Safety Authority: Experiment to Clean Up an Oil Spill
For this activity, students conduct an experiment to investigate how difficult it is to clean up an oil spill. There is a comprehensive list of observation questions for students to respond to.
Teach Engineering: Oil on the Ocean
Students learn about oil spills and their environmental and economic effects. They experience the steps of the engineering design process as they brainstorm potential methods for oil spill clean-up, and then design, build, and re-design...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Simulate an Oil Spill Cleanup
After researching the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, students do an experiment where they simulate an oil spill. They then simulate a cleanup using dispersant, and observe what happens before and after the...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Oil Spills
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Describes how oil spills occur and how they can be cleaned up.
Bbc: Bp Oil Disaster
Up to the minute news on the disastrous Gulf of Mexico oil spill of 2010. The BBC reports on the impact on the environment and provides an interactive guide to stopping the leak itself. In addition, find maps that clearly define the...
Teach Engineering: Oil Spill
This instructional activity will allow students to explore an important role of environmental engineers: cleaning the environment. Students will learn details about the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which was one of the most publicized and...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Investigate Effects of an Oil Spill
This lab is designed so that students will understand the effects of oil spills on plants, animals, and the environment and investigate clean up methods through a simulated oil spill. They will understand the risks associated with...
Cynthia Cudaback: Self Contained Gulf Oil Spill Kit [Pdf]
Here is a kit that you can create to help understand the impact of an oil spill and the logistics of the clean-up effort. Unfortunately, real-life oil spills are not quite as easy to clean up.
Oil Gulf Oil Spill: The Aftermath
Comments on the Gulf Oil Spill provide author's thoughts on the chemical dispersants being used. Are these dispersants helping? Do they cause more of a threat than the oil itself? What will the impact be on human and wildlife? Also,...
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Oil Spills Facts
Explores the effects of oil spills on marine life, the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and methods to clean up oil spills.
Pbs News Hour Extra: Gulf Oil Spill Could Be Most Damaging in History
Discussed is the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the attempts to clean up the oil, animals and industries threatened, policies questioned and a comparison made to the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Includes instructional resources. (4 May...
Pbs News Hour Extra: Capping and Cleaning Up the Oil Spill
Lesson plan promotes discussion of possible solutions to end the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Students are encouraged to give the point of view of an "interested party." 8/2010
Pbs News Hour Extra: Largest Oil Spill in u.s. History Continues
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has surpassed the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. Briefly discussed is criticism of the Obama administration for not acting quickly enough. Described are the efforts by BP oil to stop the oil leak, effects...
University of California
Uc Santa Barbara: 1969 Oil Spill Articles and Images
This site from UC Santa Barbara provides details about the 1969 oil spill off the coast of California which marred 35 miles of coastline. Information is provided about the ecological impact of the spill as well as info on the clean-up...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Can We Clean the Sea?
Oil spills are real disasters that plague our oceans every day. This lesson will offer students a chance to work in teams to develop possible solutions to ways to clean up oil spills.
Teach Engineering: Sugar Spill!
In this activity, students act as environmental engineers involved with the clean up of a toxic spill. Using bioremediation as the process, students select which bacteria they will use to eat up the pollutant spilled. Students learn how...
Curated OER
Pbs News Hour Extra: Gulf Oil Spill Could Be Most Damaging in History
Discussed is the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the attempts to clean up the oil, animals and industries threatened, policies questioned and a comparison made to the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Includes instructional resources. (4 May...
Bp: Gulf of Mexico Restoration
BP's mission is "to stop the flow of oil, clean up the environmental damage, and help make sure that people are compensated for their losses." Find graphics and videos on stopping the leak, cleanup of beaches, response to wildlife and...
Water Pollution
Read about the different types of water pollution and the harm it can cause. Learn about oil spills how they are cleaned up, and how you can help prevent water pollution. Additional links point to other topics relevant to the study of...
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Human Impact: Save the Bay
Learners watch as their teacher simulates an oil spill. Following the demonstration, groups of students race to figure out the best way to clean up the spill before it reaches land. Learners then discuss their observations.