Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning
At DNA from the Beginning, choose from classical genetics, molecules of genetics, genetic organization and control. Each concept is explained through animation, an image gallery, video interviews, biographies and links.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Science of Atoms and Molecules: Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Through this activity, students work with macromolecules, proteins and nucleic acids. The focus is on the atomic structure of proteins, how linear polymers are made, and the surface charges of the resulting polymers. . Multiple-choice...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna Interactive: Genome
This site is provided for by DNA Interactive. The genome is the entire endowment of genetic information. It is the "Book of life," on an organism. This site demonstrates the methods used to map and sequence the human genome and to...
World of Molecules: 3 D Structure Files
Investigate the three-dimensional structure of various molecules- both organic and inorganic.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Biochemistry
Problem sets, tutorials, and activities related to biochemistry.